So I was asked by a client to print some stuff. My last personal sculpt I printed a couple days ago looked like it has some scratches and other blemishes on parts of it, so I was thinking the tank was going bad after going thru close to 2 liters of grey resin. I wanted to maximize the possibility of great prints cuz this was essentially a rush job he needed for today, So I swapped out a new resin tray and cartridge, but the 4 out of the 5 prints came out with similar blemishes. I’m wondering what else this could be? Anyone see these types of blemishes before?
Are you using a Form 2 or 1/1+? If you’ve just swapped out a new resin tank, it’s possible that there’s dust on your optics obscuring the laser. In any case, you should get in touch with our support team so they can help troubleshoot and if your optics are a bit dusty, they’ll help you to get everything cleaned up.
Oh, sorry I failed to mention that. I’m using a Form 2. I’m away from my printer right now, but yep, I just had that very same thought. I’ll check that too as soon as I get home today.
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