Printing protein ribbon-structures on the Form 1+

You are welcome, Dow214.

Answers to your questions:

  1. It turns out we are running the same version, 2.5.0 of PreForm. I thought yours was older because the supports are thicker at the base than the supports for the Form 2. Compare this screenshot to yours.

  2. These are the settings I used:
    Scale: 1.000 (100% of the imported size)
    Layer Thickness: 0.1
    Material: White FLGWH01
    Density: 0.5
    Point Size: 0.40mm
    Internal Supports: On
    Height Above Base: 10.0mm
    I just used PreForm do the geometry repairs of the original 2hi4zcafdocked1-ribbon.stl file.
    I also let PreForm orient the model for me, and I didn’t need to edit the generated supports.
    I always change the Density and Point Size to the lowest settings, which makes the supports much easier to remove than the default settings. They mostly just snap off.
    I also always change the Height Above Base to the maximum of 10.0mm because of a great tip that Konstantin_Dani gave here. He says that the first hundred layers are always overly compressed so that the model sticks to the build platform, and then the rest are less compressed. There is misalignment at the point at which the compression changes which can cause problems. This could be one of the problems.

  3. The basic setup other than the few points I mentioned probably doesn’t matter. I believe that it should print successfully at different sizes, and at different layer thicknesses (although the 0.025 setting isn’t available for White FLGWH01 resin on the Form 2).

  4. I don’t know if the supports are thicker at the bottom on the Form 1+ prints because Form 2 heats and maintains the resin temperature at 30° Celsius, but if the .form file that I have supplied a link for in 5. doesn’t print on your printer, maybe try and heat the resin yourself.

  5. Yes, here it is.