Hello guys,
Well I just have some issues with a print. I guess my printer work well because I made some good prints with flexible resin 3 days ago…
So, I have to print 3 parts and only one came out right but with issues into the support… the other 2 didn’t came out at all as you can see on pictures…

Here are problem with support for the good one

As you can see on the picture, some support are missing for no good reason and the base is not well printed too…
So do you have any idea of the cause? I guess new support system may be the problem because I just removed old resin and put new from the bottle, well “shake(mixed)”; resin tank is not new but serve for less than 1L of print and seems in good condition;…
Here is a picture of the project ready to print

I’d like to join in this conversation as well. I’m reprinting one of my old models with the new support structures and I am experiencing the same sort of problems. Though the models are mostly ok even with this strange problem is is frustrating and I think it’s causing some minor issues as well.
The support failure for me is the same as for Christophe: some supports just stop at mid print, you can always see that they start and then nothing up until the point where it meets with the model. There is then a horizontal line that just stucks onto the bottom of the print and everything else above it seems ok, But sometimes there are cracks or uncured resin above that point.
Images attached. Would be great to find out what is causing this! I wanted to beef up the supports, but couldn’t - and they are really bendy when tall.
Hello Daveido,
Finally i decided to print the parts in an other direction and it works, but again there’s partially uncurend resin on the base…
I’m affraid this is the start of laser problem…