Print Failure - Need advice because new at this

Well I’m pretty effing bummed out… I started a 18h print and after 7-8 hours realised a piece broke from it’s support and fell in the resintank of my Form2…

This was the model I printed from Preform

These are the supports. THe body is missing but the arms were printing fine.

You can see the broken pieces here and where it was on the model.

Here you can notice the base curved before it snapped and the piece fell.

This is where the piece would’ve been if it didn’t fall.

This is a turn-around of the model in Preform.

So I’m new at this and really not sure why it broke… Not enough supports? I’m using .6mm supports and I looks to me like there are a lot. The base was put facing the front of the printing like instructed. My resintank was clean or artifact or whatever. Preform was judging the model as “Printable”. I just don’t know what’s going on…

Can somebody help?

P.S: Since it failed, tomorrow I will filter my resintank with a 190 microns filter like FL show in the support page.

I received advice from a friend of mine that the problem might be that I have too much layers before my “air holes” creating to many layers of suction because of the bowl shape of my model

Any second opinion?

You should have an air hole at the very top of the build, build plate end. This will insure the best liquid resin drainage. Otherwise there might be a tendency for a vacuum during the peel process. Just an idea.

@Walter_Gillespie If I understand correctly, it is basically what my friend said, what is written in my 2nd post here about having “air holes” at a earlier layer (so closer to the build plate). Right?

True Marcologue, but I’m saying at the “very top”. Plus it needs to be adequate for the amount of flow as you have a rather large void in that build. Just an idea.

I have added these holes for next print.

Can’t have hole in the base if you are not using supports. That will cause a vacuum as there is no way for air to enter. The opening has to be totally free. If you don’t want to use supports then you will have to move the hole to the side and as close to the base as you can get it.

There needs to also be a hole at the top so that at the end the resin that is coating the inside can drain out. You’ll need to leave the print in the printer for a couple of hours to let it all drain. Even then there will be a film of resin coating the interior and that will need to be washed out if possible.

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@Walter_Gillespie I’m using the same orientation as you can see at the top of the thread, so yes I’m suing supports and the hole are the closest to the base possible. There are also hole at the top so air can circulate. Thanks for the tip of letting it drip after the print!

It looks to me that you needed more supports at the very bottom and a better distribution of supports.

Also looks like you used automatic support generation which I don’t recommend using, since in many cases it will give bad results in that you can better position parts to give enough structure and stability while putting them in places that won’t be as difficult to remove and clean afterwards. It also looks like you have a lot of internal supports that will likely ruin the surfaces that they are close to.
Also, on the thin base parts, as far as places to put supports it will help if you put some near the corners and edges to help keep the shape from flexing during printing and warping once you do the post processing and curing.

@Zachary_Brackin I will put more support at the beginning of the base and near the corner and edges of the base. Thanks!

I used the automatic generation of support just as a base. I when through my entire model afterwards removing, moving, adding supports mainly for my overhangs. Can really get rid of those who connect internally because I need them for my overhang unfortunately. I realize it is a complicated model for 3d printing, but I’m still interested in test the limits!

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