Anyone seen this before? Part had a bit of a foamy layer that did wipe off during rinse but left what also seems like cure from air bubbles/the liquid layer.
It was a print that sat on the build plate about 6 hours before I was home to remove it.
Hello @weston_brownlee!
Those are definitely some odd print results! Given the situation you’re describing, I’m guessing this may have just been a particularly foamy tank which then sat for a little while and had a chance to dry.
If, on your next print, you take the part out of the printer relatively quickly and it still has these defects, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team at the link below. If the print comes out fine I suspect this would be more of a 1-off error just due to unique circumstances and it probably isn’t indicative of a more serious problem with the machine.
Hey, thanks for the reply. Yeah, I’m also wondering if that’s the case. I did open a ticket with support and their conclusion at the moment is the same thing. I’m running through a test print now to see if I get the same results or if the foam washes off completely. I’ll probably throw an update here just so it’s logged for posterity haha.
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