More durable Silicone / PDMS Layer required

Each time a print has failed it has damaged the silicone / PDMS layer in the resin tank and rendered that area useless and therefore forces you to avoid this area for future prints reducing the function and lifespan of that tank.

Both my tanks are damaged tank 1. Rev .02a (came with the Form 1) and tank 2. Rev .02. Tank 2 was damaged on its very first print.

Is there a more durable Silicone being investigated or developed to extend the lifespan of the resin tank, Rev .03?

Simon, we are constantly trying to improve our current products…but the resin tanks should not be failing after a single print. I would recommend running the included scraper against the silicone to see if that fogging will actually wipe away. From the pattern, it also looks like the same part may have been printed in the same area many times?

You should vary the position of you model to extend the lifespan of your resin tank.

If you do experience tank failure after one print, please let us know by writing into so we can troubleshoot further.

Thanks for getting back to me.

The first tanks fogging I think appeared due to the print needing long supports, therefore the laser was running over the same area virtually for the full height of the build area (see new pics attached) and was moved to the other diagonal to print again as I couldn’t remove the pattern of fogging with the included scraper.

Unfortunately the second tank’s first print did fail (third fail pic). The failed part (flat splodge at the bottom left of the pic)  came away with the print, pulling the surface of the tank with it and damaging it which is completely out of my control as I had no opportunity to prise off the failed part from the silicone surface myself. So yes disappointing to be damaged from the very first print but the first tank was also damaged after only the 4th and 5th print had both failed.

I am in the process of trouble shooting with the support team but the test print that was sent is like comparing apples with bananas e.g. test print small, low and delicate the actual print that continually fails larger and taller (see attached pics).