Mirror feature

Hi formies,

It was great being at the lab the other day for the women in sales mixer!! It was great meeting with you and the Saras/Sarahs :slight_smile:

I was bouncing around an idea that I don’t know if it has been discussed. I have a form2 and I love it. I have had some issues with dust. Some on the inside of the printer. I have not opened up the printer, however I can see some particles under the optical window and small specks on the mirror itself.

I was wondering if anyone has thought of the mirror on an slr camera. My thought was that in a SLR camera it has a feature where upon start up and shut down the mirror shakes or moves to remove the dust without the user touching it. The mirror also has a dust free coating.

Just a thought. I truly love my printer though and I hope to get to more functions when I can. I hoped to get to Fuse 17, however I can’t attend that day.

All the best, keep doing what you do!


The Form2 is designed so that dust should not be able to get inside–since dust was the main issue of the Form1/1+ that was one of the things they specifically wanted to address. You’ll still need to clean the glass on the top where the tray goes but there shouldn’t be any dust inside. If you see dust inside then that’s a factory error and you may need to contact support.

Ok I will keep that in mind. I really don’t want to open it up. So I will see how long I can keep printing until it becomes unbearable. I have noticed a few prints have tiny spots that didn’t “fill in”, however it hasn’t been an issue I just fill them in with a little clay afterwards. :slight_smile:

Glad you were able to make it to the mixer and I’ll make sure to forward your suggestion to our engineering team :slight_smile:

If this does become an issue for you, I’d recommend you open up a ticket with our support team. If there is dust on your internal mirrors, we’ll want to identify how that happened and work with you to get it corrected. Getting to the mirror isn’t overly challenging and doesn’t require that you interact with any electronics. Using a bit of canned air or one of the squeeze blowers to remove the dust doesn’t usually prove too challenging.

Thanks Frew, I will keep that in mind!! Hope to see the formies again someday. As of right now I have an ionizing fan blowing on the printer warm air and it seems to be keeping the dust at bay.