MakerJuice SF Yellow (OpenFL ini) included

MakerJuice SF (yellow) OpenFL ini

Ring printed using MakerJuice SF Yellow w/ a custom OpenFL file at .1 mm
Rook printed using MakerJuice SF Yellow w/ a custom OpenFL file at .05 mm

This resin profile does the following;

  • Disables the step motor during printing. Only 2 tray tilts will occur. The first && last layer.
  • Increase print times by disabling the motor function, I feel it causes more headaches than it’s worth
  • Noise reduction
  • Less wear and tear on step motor
  • Quicker profile testing without the motor you can quickly print && test profiles

This resin profile will only work with Formlabs Form 1+ printers & by using Preform OpenFL Available here


  • Resin seems to cure thin so you may need to increase wall thickness in a program like meshmixer
  • Models may not be exact size, if you need exact models then use Formlabs supported resin here
  • Good quality but cures brittle.

Download & install Preform OpenFL here

  • Copy entire contents of chatbox & paste into a blank notepad file
  • Name & save file as a .ini
  • Open Preform OpenFL & Click Print Settings area on the bottom > Load custom material > Load saved .ini

.1 mm print below & .05 in the post underneath

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FORMLABS MATERIAL CONFIGURATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;;;;;;; WARNING: Modifying these settings can lead to damage ;;;;;;
    ;;;;;;;;;; to your Form 1+ and void its warranty.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    ;If you are going to edit material files you should download and install a text editor that is made to work with files of this type and use it for editing the material files:
    ;notepad++ for windows or a mac equivalent like Atom

    ;This material file is for use with Preform OpenPF:
    ;The original material file (Formlabs Clear V2) can be found here: 
    ;The OpenPF version of Preform can be downloaded from the following links (links are from from the OpenPf Github page):
    ;Note: You can have Preform and Preform OpenPF on the same PC, after installing Preform OpenPF rename the OpenPF shortcut (icon) so that you can tell the difference between the Preform and Preform OpenPF programs. I suspect the same can be done on Macs.
    ;If you are going to work with this type of file you will want to download the notepadd++ text editor: because programs like notepad do not handle this type of file well.

    ;******  FAST START  *********************************************************************************************************************************
    ;******  use the settings in this file as the starting point for your exposure testing.  *************************************************************
    ;  in the [Overview] section the MaterialName is what appears as the material being used in OpenPF, the filename should probably match this description. When you make changes to this file save it under a new name (File > Save As)
    ;  in the [perimeter] section you can change the exposure used for drawing the perimeter (aka outline, shell) of the object being printed by changing "modelxyfeedrate" (the speed which the laser beam moves) or "modellaserpowermw"
    ;  (the intensity of the laser beam - this should never be set higher than 62). Initially only use modellaserpowermw to change the exposure until you have gained some experience creating material files. Increasing modellaserpowermw
    ;  increases exposure (thicker, harder resin cure), decreasing modellaserpowermw decreases exposure (thinner, softer cure), Note: LOWERING modelxyfeedrate will INCREASE the exposure, INCREASING modelxyfeedrate will LOWER the exposure.
    ;  in the [fill] section you can change the exposure used for drawing the fill (aka infill, note: the fill is always solid) of the object being printed by changing "modelxyfeedrate" (the speed which the laser beam moves) or "modellaserpowermw"
    ;  (the intensity of the laser beam - this should never be set higher than 62). Initially only use modellaserpowermw to change the exposure until you have gained some experience creating material files. Increasing modellaserpowermw
    ;  increases exposure (thicker, harder resin cure), decreasing modellaserpowermw decreases exposure (thinner, softer cure), Note: LOWERING modelxyfeedrate will INCREASE the exposure, INCREASING modelxyfeedrate will LOWER the exposure.
    ;  Note: I have found that the ratio between [perimeter] laserpowermw and [fill] modellaserpowermw is between 1:1.3 and 1:1.5 (I use 1:1.3) *****IF YOU ARE USING [PERIMETER] modelxyfeedrate = 800 AND [fill] modelxyfeedrate = 1550 *****
    ;  for example, if fill modellaserpowermw is 35 perimeter modellaserpowermw will be 45.5) (I round to 1 decimal place). If you see a difference between the perimeter outlines and fill you may want to change the ratio between perimeter and fill exposures.
    ;  In the [PrintSettings] section use SliceHeight to control the layer thickness, for example 0.1 = 100 microns, 0.05 = 50 microns, 0.025 = 25 microns
    ;  In the [laserRoutine] section firstlayerpasses is the number of laser passes for the build plate attachment layer, 10 to 20 passes should be more than enough, if the item you are printing does not stick to the build plate
    ;  the build plate is not correctly adjusted.
    ;  there are a lot of comments next to the settings below that explain what the settings do but the settings above are the basics.

    ;IMPORTANT NOTE: any setting that has the word "laserpowermw" in it should never be set higher than 62 

    ;Note:  all notes must start with a semicolon (;), notes can be anywhere in the text but cannot be between a setting and its perameter.

    ;this is the material name that appears as the description of this custom material in OpenPF. I usually also use this as the file name for the material.
    ; description example: MaterialName = MJSFYELLOW , filename example: MJSFYELLOW.ini
    MaterialName = MakerJuice SF (Yelllow)

    ;These are the perimeter ("shell") settings: in photography terms *feedrate is equivalent to shutter speed (the higher the number the LOWER the exposure), *laserpowermw is equivalent to apeture (the higher the number the HIGHER the exposure).
    ;Note: I have found that the ratio between [perimeter] laserpowermw and [fill] modellaserpowermw is between 1:1.29 and 1:1.49
    ;for example, if fill modellaserpowermw is 35 perimeter modellaserpowermw will be 45), I round to whole numbers.
    modelxyfeedrate = 700  ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the model. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
    modellaserpowermw = 62  ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of the model (max: 62 mW)
    supportxyfeedrate = 700  ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the supports. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
    supportlaserpowermw = 62  ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of thesupports. (max: 62 mW)
    basexyfeedrate = 700  ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
    baselaserpowermw = 62
    +  ; Laser power in mW used for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW)

    ;these are the fill ("infill") settings, think of prints as having solid infill: in photography terms *feedrate is equivalent to shutter speed (the higher the number the LOWER the exposure), *laserpowermw is equivalent to apeture  (the higher the number the HIGHER the exposure).
    ;Note: On average models should be hollow ("shelled"), printing models solid both wastes resin and will cause all kinds of shrinkage and printing problems. Meshmixer is a good program to use for hollowing models: . 1mm to 4mm walls work well depending on the model, include a drain hole in the model.
    ;Note: I have found that the ratio between [perimeter] laserpowermw and [fill] modellaserpowermw is between 1:1.29 and 1:1.49, for example, if fill modellaserpowermw is 35 perimeter modellaserpowermw will be 45), I round to whole numbers.
    modelxyfeedrate = 600  ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the model. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
    modellaserpowermw = 62  ; Laser power in mW for the model. (max: 62 mW)
    supportxyfeedrate = 600; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling supports. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
    supportlaserpowermw = 62  ; Laser power in mW for filling supports. (max: 62 mW)
    basexyfeedrate = 610  ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the base (aka raft). (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
    baselaserpowermw = 50  ; Laser power in mW used for filling the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW)

    ;layer thickness, number of offsets (shells) , laser beam overlap and model size adjustments
    SliceHeight = 0.1 ; The layer thickness in mm. For example 0.1 is 100 microns (0.1 mm). Be aware that values not corresponding to whole z-motor microsteps (0.0025 mm) will be rounded.
    ScanlineSpacing = 0.09  ; Spacing of fill lines in mm.
    InnerBoundaryOffset = 0.12
    OuterBoundaryOffset = 0.03  ; Offset from model perimeter to outermost outline in mm. Conceptually this is the curing radius of the outermost outline.
    Xcorrectionfactor = 1.008  ; Scale factor for the x axis to account for shrinkage.
    Ycorrectionfactor = 1.008  ; Scale factor for the y axis to account for shrinkage.
    ScanlineBoundaryOffset = 0.03  ; Offset in mm from the innermost outline to the boundary of the fill. If this is zero, the fill touches the innermost outline; if this is positive it does not; if this is negative, the fill overlaps at least the inner outline.
    OffsetsNum = 3  ; Number of outlines to draw. min: 0; max: unlimited

    ;Laser passes over model during layer exposure, can be different for different types of layers. 
    ;build plate attachment layer exposure
    firstlayerpasses = 10  ; The number of laser passes to do for layer 0 to attach to the build platform.
    ;normal layer exposure
    otherlayerpasses = 2  ; The number of laser passes to do for most layers (typically 1).
    ;usually used for support layers, not needed for "standard" i.e non form1 specific resins. I use this as a second build plate attachment layer.
    earlylayerpasses = 3  ; The number of laser passes to do for early layers as defined by earlytimesexpose. ***** NOTE: used as second attachment layer *****

    ;Vat and build plate movement, speeds and timings between layer exposures
    ;Note: some layer and build plate attachment problems can be helped by lowering p1downvel and or p2downvel settings (slows the tilt)
    earlytimesexpose = 2  ; The number of layers that will be exposed earlylayerpasses times (excluding layer 0). That is, if earlytimesexpose is 3 and earlylayerpasses is 2, layer 0 will get firstlayerpasses passes, layer 1 and 2 will get 2 passes, and subsequent layers will get otherlayerpasses passes.
    postlasercurewait = 4  ; Duration in seconds to wait from when the laser turns off until the motors start to move.
    earlytimespeel = 0  ; The number of layers for which the p1 moves will be done. These are typically slower moves.
    p1downvel = 0  ; Initial tilt speed in mm/s (at the tilt motor).
    p1downmove = 0  ; Initial tilt distance in mm.
    p1upvel = 0  ; Velocity of p1upmove in mm/s.
    p1upmove = 0  ; Tilt up-move displacement in mm (should be negative).
    p1upslowvel = 0  ; Velocity for p1upslowmove in mm/s.
    p1upslowmove = 0  ; Additional up move in mm to overdrive into the hard stop. (Should be negative or zero.)
    p2downvel = 0  ; Velocity of p2downmove in mm/s.
    p2downmove = 0  ; After earlytimespeel, tilt distance in mm.
    p2upvel = 0  ; Speed of p2upmove in mm/s.
    p2upmove = 0  ; After earlytimespeel, un-tilt distance in mm. (should be negative.)
    p2upslowvel = 0  ; Speed of p2upslowmove in mm/s.
    p2upslowmove = 0  ; After earlytimespeel, overdrive distance into hard stop in mm. (Should be negative or zero.)
    squishwaitmin_s = 0  ; Low end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.
    squishwaitmax_s = 0  ; High end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.
1 Like

.05 MM Slightly longer print time better quality see below: Unwashed rook right off build plate

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FORMLABS MATERIAL CONFIGURATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;; WARNING: Modifying these settings can lead to damage ;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;; to your Form 1+ and void its warranty.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;If you are going to edit material files you should download and install a text editor that is made to work with files of this type and use it for editing the material files:
;notepad++ for windows or a mac equivalent like Atom

;This material file is for use with Preform OpenPF:
;The original material file (Formlabs Clear V2) can be found here: 
;The OpenPF version of Preform can be downloaded from the following links (links are from from the OpenPf Github page):
;Note: You can have Preform and Preform OpenPF on the same PC, after installing Preform OpenPF rename the OpenPF shortcut (icon) so that you can tell the difference between the Preform and Preform OpenPF programs. I suspect the same can be done on Macs.
;If you are going to work with this type of file you will want to download the notepadd++ text editor: because programs like notepad do not handle this type of file well.

;******  FAST START  *********************************************************************************************************************************
;******  use the settings in this file as the starting point for your exposure testing.  *************************************************************
;  in the [Overview] section the MaterialName is what appears as the material being used in OpenPF, the filename should probably match this description. When you make changes to this file save it under a new name (File > Save As)
;  in the [perimeter] section you can change the exposure used for drawing the perimeter (aka outline, shell) of the object being printed by changing "modelxyfeedrate" (the speed which the laser beam moves) or "modellaserpowermw"
;  (the intensity of the laser beam - this should never be set higher than 62). Initially only use modellaserpowermw to change the exposure until you have gained some experience creating material files. Increasing modellaserpowermw
;  increases exposure (thicker, harder resin cure), decreasing modellaserpowermw decreases exposure (thinner, softer cure), Note: LOWERING modelxyfeedrate will INCREASE the exposure, INCREASING modelxyfeedrate will LOWER the exposure.
;  in the [fill] section you can change the exposure used for drawing the fill (aka infill, note: the fill is always solid) of the object being printed by changing "modelxyfeedrate" (the speed which the laser beam moves) or "modellaserpowermw"
;  (the intensity of the laser beam - this should never be set higher than 62). Initially only use modellaserpowermw to change the exposure until you have gained some experience creating material files. Increasing modellaserpowermw
;  increases exposure (thicker, harder resin cure), decreasing modellaserpowermw decreases exposure (thinner, softer cure), Note: LOWERING modelxyfeedrate will INCREASE the exposure, INCREASING modelxyfeedrate will LOWER the exposure.
;  Note: I have found that the ratio between [perimeter] laserpowermw and [fill] modellaserpowermw is between 1:1.3 and 1:1.5 (I use 1:1.3) *****IF YOU ARE USING [PERIMETER] modelxyfeedrate = 800 AND [fill] modelxyfeedrate = 1550 *****
;  for example, if fill modellaserpowermw is 35 perimeter modellaserpowermw will be 45.5) (I round to 1 decimal place). If you see a difference between the perimeter outlines and fill you may want to change the ratio between perimeter and fill exposures.
;  In the [PrintSettings] section use SliceHeight to control the layer thickness, for example 0.1 = 100 microns, 0.05 = 50 microns, 0.025 = 25 microns
;  In the [laserRoutine] section firstlayerpasses is the number of laser passes for the build plate attachment layer, 10 to 20 passes should be more than enough, if the item you are printing does not stick to the build plate
;  the build plate is not correctly adjusted.
;  there are a lot of comments next to the settings below that explain what the settings do but the settings above are the basics.

;IMPORTANT NOTE: any setting that has the word "laserpowermw" in it should never be set higher than 62 

;Note:  all notes must start with a semicolon (;), notes can be anywhere in the text but cannot be between a setting and its perameter.

;this is the material name that appears as the description of this custom material in OpenPF. I usually also use this as the file name for the material.
; description example: MaterialName = MJSFYELLOW , filename example: MJSFYELLOW.ini
MaterialName = MakerJuice SF (Yelllow)

;These are the perimeter ("shell") settings: in photography terms *feedrate is equivalent to shutter speed (the higher the number the LOWER the exposure), *laserpowermw is equivalent to apeture (the higher the number the HIGHER the exposure).
;Note: I have found that the ratio between [perimeter] laserpowermw and [fill] modellaserpowermw is between 1:1.29 and 1:1.49
;for example, if fill modellaserpowermw is 35 perimeter modellaserpowermw will be 45), I round to whole numbers.
modelxyfeedrate = 700  ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the model. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
modellaserpowermw = 62  ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of the model (max: 62 mW)
supportxyfeedrate = 700  ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the supports. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
supportlaserpowermw = 62  ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of thesupports. (max: 62 mW)
basexyfeedrate = 700  ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
baselaserpowermw = 62
+  ; Laser power in mW used for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW)

;these are the fill ("infill") settings, think of prints as having solid infill: in photography terms *feedrate is equivalent to shutter speed (the higher the number the LOWER the exposure), *laserpowermw is equivalent to apeture  (the higher the number the HIGHER the exposure).
;Note: On average models should be hollow ("shelled"), printing models solid both wastes resin and will cause all kinds of shrinkage and printing problems. Meshmixer is a good program to use for hollowing models: . 1mm to 4mm walls work well depending on the model, include a drain hole in the model.
;Note: I have found that the ratio between [perimeter] laserpowermw and [fill] modellaserpowermw is between 1:1.29 and 1:1.49, for example, if fill modellaserpowermw is 35 perimeter modellaserpowermw will be 45), I round to whole numbers.
modelxyfeedrate = 600  ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the model. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
modellaserpowermw = 62  ; Laser power in mW for the model. (max: 62 mW)
supportxyfeedrate = 600; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling supports. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
supportlaserpowermw = 62  ; Laser power in mW for filling supports. (max: 62 mW)
basexyfeedrate = 610  ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the base (aka raft). (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
baselaserpowermw = 50  ; Laser power in mW used for filling the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW)

;layer thickness, number of offsets (shells) , laser beam overlap and model size adjustments
SliceHeight = 0.05 ; The layer thickness in mm. For example 0.1 is 100 microns (0.1 mm). Be aware that values not corresponding to whole z-motor microsteps (0.0025 mm) will be rounded.
ScanlineSpacing = 0.09  ; Spacing of fill lines in mm.
InnerBoundaryOffset = 0.12
OuterBoundaryOffset = 0.03  ; Offset from model perimeter to outermost outline in mm. Conceptually this is the curing radius of the outermost outline.
Xcorrectionfactor = 1.008  ; Scale factor for the x axis to account for shrinkage.
Ycorrectionfactor = 1.008  ; Scale factor for the y axis to account for shrinkage.
ScanlineBoundaryOffset = 0.03  ; Offset in mm from the innermost outline to the boundary of the fill. If this is zero, the fill touches the innermost outline; if this is positive it does not; if this is negative, the fill overlaps at least the inner outline.
OffsetsNum = 3  ; Number of outlines to draw. min: 0; max: unlimited

;Laser passes over model during layer exposure, can be different for different types of layers. 
;build plate attachment layer exposure
firstlayerpasses = 10  ; The number of laser passes to do for layer 0 to attach to the build platform.
;normal layer exposure
otherlayerpasses = 1  ; The number of laser passes to do for most layers (typically 1).
;usually used for support layers, not needed for "standard" i.e non form1 specific resins. I use this as a second build plate attachment layer.
earlylayerpasses = 2  ; The number of laser passes to do for early layers as defined by earlytimesexpose. ***** NOTE: used as second attachment layer *****

;Vat and build plate movement, speeds and timings between layer exposures
;Note: some layer and build plate attachment problems can be helped by lowering p1downvel and or p2downvel settings (slows the tilt)
earlytimesexpose = 2  ; The number of layers that will be exposed earlylayerpasses times (excluding layer 0). That is, if earlytimesexpose is 3 and earlylayerpasses is 2, layer 0 will get firstlayerpasses passes, layer 1 and 2 will get 2 passes, and subsequent layers will get otherlayerpasses passes.
postlasercurewait = 4  ; Duration in seconds to wait from when the laser turns off until the motors start to move.
earlytimespeel = 0  ; The number of layers for which the p1 moves will be done. These are typically slower moves.
p1downvel = 0  ; Initial tilt speed in mm/s (at the tilt motor).
p1downmove = 0  ; Initial tilt distance in mm.
p1upvel = 0  ; Velocity of p1upmove in mm/s.
p1upmove = 0  ; Tilt up-move displacement in mm (should be negative).
p1upslowvel = 0  ; Velocity for p1upslowmove in mm/s.
p1upslowmove = 0  ; Additional up move in mm to overdrive into the hard stop. (Should be negative or zero.)
p2downvel = 0  ; Velocity of p2downmove in mm/s.
p2downmove = 0  ; After earlytimespeel, tilt distance in mm.
p2upvel = 0  ; Speed of p2upmove in mm/s.
p2upmove = 0  ; After earlytimespeel, un-tilt distance in mm. (should be negative.)
p2upslowvel = 0  ; Speed of p2upslowmove in mm/s.
p2upslowmove = 0  ; After earlytimespeel, overdrive distance into hard stop in mm. (Should be negative or zero.)
squishwaitmin_s = 0  ; Low end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.
squishwaitmax_s = 0  ; High end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.
1 Like


I tried printing with Slight mods to your .ini file.

I’m seeing funny behavior. It’s not peeling. It let’s out a chirp between layers, but the tank does not drop down.
I’m on layer 14 and it has not peeled yet.

I made some changes to the comments…shouldn’t affect anything.
And I also made 1 change to an executable line that could have broken something.
The line that says ‘baselaserpowermw = 62 ; Laser power in mW used for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW)’
The line in your file is ''baselaserpowermw = 62

  • ; Laser power in mW used for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW)’

I thought the carriage return and the + sign was a typo, so I removed them.
Did I mess up the file? Is the and + sign needed for some reason?


I included that part The peel motor is disabled and the beep you hear is the step motor raising after each layer. The motor will tilt on layer one when the build plate drops and last layer.
This ; symbol voids anything before it. So it not included in the code. If you think you messed it up w/ the edit, just re copy and re save the file from this post.

with the tilt motor disabled you are able to quickly test your ini changes. just make your edit, save, reload it, start your print and only allow it to print about 20-30 layers in then stop it. and check to see if your base is being formed properly. adjust accordingly

If you want the peel motor enabled it is just a simple edit of copying numbers over from an original preform openfl ini. However since my peel motor continues to give me problems I disabled it using this code. The ini itself is not 100% but i did put in a lot of effort getting it to where it is. I am currently still further testing it. This is my first time ever creating an ini or even 3d printing. I feel like this ini prints pretty well at .05 but still needs a little more testing,.

I am intrested in the results good or bad tho… to see if it works for anyone else also or any problems that I may have noticed also

Here is the code to enable the tilt motor just copy and replace it in the .ini I think you understand ;

earlytimesexpose = 2 ; The number of layers that will be exposed earlylayerpasses times (excluding layer 0). That is, if earlytimesexpose is 3 and earlylayerpasses is 2, layer 0 will get firstlayerpasses passes, layer 1 and 2 will get 2 passes, and subsequent layers will get otherlayerpasses passes.
postlasercurewait = 1 ; Duration in seconds to wait from when the laser turns off until the motors start to move.
earlytimespeel = 10 ; The number of layers for which the p1 moves will be done. These are typically slower moves.
p1downvel = .75 ; Initial tilt speed in mm/s (at the tilt motor).
p1downmove = 10 ; Initial tilt distance in mm.
p1upvel = 2 ; Velocity of p1upmove in mm/s.
p1upmove = -10 ; Tilt up-move displacement in mm (should be negative).
p1upslowvel = 10 ; Velocity for p1upslowmove in mm/s.
p1upslowmove = -0.5 ; Additional up move in mm to overdrive into the hard stop. (Should be negative or zero.)
p2downvel = .75 ; Velocity of p2downmove in mm/s.
p2downmove = 7.5 ; After earlytimespeel, tilt distance in mm.
p2upvel = 5 ; Speed of p2upmove in mm/s.
p2upmove = -7.5 ; After earlytimespeel, un-tilt distance in mm. (should be negative.)
p2upslowvel = 10 ; Speed of p2upslowmove in mm/s.
p2upslowmove = -0.5 ; After earlytimespeel, overdrive distance into hard stop in mm. (Should be negative or zero.)
squishwaitmin_s = 0.5 ; Low end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.
squishwaitmax_s = 2 ; High end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.

Hey thanks for the quick come-back.

So, it sounds like you’re able to print without the peel?
OK. I wouldn’t have thought to do that; this confuses me how you could print a new layer unless a new coat of polymer is allowed to flow onto the bottom of the previous layer?

I see you sent another message before I finished this one.


Ya i figure if the form 2 can run with no wiper or tilt then the form 1 should be able to also in theory.

OK sharpknlfe,

I understand. It makes more sense that I caught you in the middle of an edit of the file, with the ,cr> and the + sign.
I’ll start by printing with the .ini from the forum, then go on from there.

As far as printing without the peel, I thought the Form2 did have a peel process, it was just different. I looked at a video of the Form2 printing and it looked to me like the entire tank on the Form2 moves down and laterally to accomplish the peel.


The form 2 has an open mode allowing it to print with numerous things turned off. The form 1 has less components, and can be accessed using openfl to control it and also be used to turn things off. My peel motor works and fails after a while, so I just disabled it, and even tho creating a profile is time consuming , but start adjusting it and actually getting results and youll see why…

I printed both models with provided inis. I know for a fact the form 1 will print with no motor. I did it using the profile…
Makerjuice seemed to perform alot better when it was warm. I suggest warming the room you plan on printing in for a while bring it above room temp youll get better results. The form 2 has a heater for this reason.

I am stuck using a space heater & notepad but it works better than any of the pre loaded profiles for some reason…

Good News; Did some edits, and this is what was on the build plate:

Nearly flawless previous versions were printed but soft and or/ brittle. This edit has a noticeable increase in quality, with no editing of the stil file.
Also printed w/ no motor. This was printed using this exact .ini

In a future print I may slow the laser speed from 1600 down to 1598 as the print seems just a little to flexible by just a little and since the laser strength is all the way up there is only room for the laser speed to come down, but it does not need a large drop from here, very slight should get it just right.

It looks easy but this has got to be one of the toughest computer related things i have ever achieved and w/ no background in 3d printing. I need to give my brain a rest. Now I know why these printers cost so much. It’s literally wizardry turning a liquid into a shaped solid with a laser the staff at formlabs are some really smart people for making this thing…

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FORMLABS MATERIAL CONFIGURATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;; WARNING: Modifying these settings can lead to damage ;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;; to your Form 1+ and void its warranty.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;If you are going to edit material files you should download and install a text editor that is made to work with files of this type and use it for editing the material files:
;notepad++ for windows Downloads | Notepad++ or a mac equivalent like Atom

;This material file is for use with Preform OpenPF:
;The original material file (Formlabs Clear V2) can be found here:
;The OpenPF version of Preform can be downloaded from the following links (links are from from the OpenPf Github page):
;Note: You can have Preform and Preform OpenPF on the same PC, after installing Preform OpenPF rename the OpenPF shortcut (icon) so that you can tell the difference between the Preform and Preform OpenPF programs. I suspect the same can be done on Macs.
;If you are going to work with this type of file you will want to download the notepadd++ text editor: because programs like notepad do not handle this type of file well.

;****** FAST START *********************************************************************************************************************************
;****** use the settings in this file as the starting point for your exposure testing. *************************************************************
; in the [Overview] section the MaterialName is what appears as the material being used in OpenPF, the filename should probably match this description. When you make changes to this file save it under a new name (File > Save As)
; in the [perimeter] section you can change the exposure used for drawing the perimeter (aka outline, shell) of the object being printed by changing “modelxyfeedrate” (the speed which the laser beam moves) or “modellaserpowermw”
; (the intensity of the laser beam - this should never be set higher than 62). Initially only use modellaserpowermw to change the exposure until you have gained some experience creating material files. Increasing modellaserpowermw
; increases exposure (thicker, harder resin cure), decreasing modellaserpowermw decreases exposure (thinner, softer cure), Note: LOWERING modelxyfeedrate will INCREASE the exposure, INCREASING modelxyfeedrate will LOWER the exposure.
; in the [fill] section you can change the exposure used for drawing the fill (aka infill, note: the fill is always solid) of the object being printed by changing “modelxyfeedrate” (the speed which the laser beam moves) or “modellaserpowermw”
; (the intensity of the laser beam - this should never be set higher than 62). Initially only use modellaserpowermw to change the exposure until you have gained some experience creating material files. Increasing modellaserpowermw
; increases exposure (thicker, harder resin cure), decreasing modellaserpowermw decreases exposure (thinner, softer cure), Note: LOWERING modelxyfeedrate will INCREASE the exposure, INCREASING modelxyfeedrate will LOWER the exposure.
; Note: I have found that the ratio between [perimeter] laserpowermw and [fill] modellaserpowermw is between 1:1.3 and 1:1.5 (I use 1:1.3) IF YOU ARE USING [PERIMETER] modelxyfeedrate = 800 AND [fill] modelxyfeedrate = 1550 *****
; for example, if fill modellaserpowermw is 35 perimeter modellaserpowermw will be 45.5) (I round to 1 decimal place). If you see a difference between the perimeter outlines and fill you may want to change the ratio between perimeter and fill exposures.
; In the [PrintSettings] section use SliceHeight to control the layer thickness, for example 0.1 = 100 microns, 0.05 = 50 microns, 0.025 = 25 microns
; In the [laserRoutine] section firstlayerpasses is the number of laser passes for the build plate attachment layer, 10 to 20 passes should be more than enough, if the item you are printing does not stick to the build plate
; the build plate is not correctly adjusted.
; there are a lot of comments next to the settings below that explain what the settings do but the settings above are the basics.

;IMPORTANT NOTE: any setting that has the word “laserpowermw” in it should never be set higher than 62

;Note: all notes must start with a semicolon (;), notes can be anywhere in the text but cannot be between a setting and its perameter.

;this is the material name that appears as the description of this custom material in OpenPF. I usually also use this as the file name for the material.
; description example: MaterialName = MJSFYELLOW , filename example: MJSFYELLOW.ini
MaterialName = MakerJuice SF (Yelllow)

;These are the perimeter (“shell”) settings: in photography terms *feedrate is equivalent to shutter speed (the higher the number the LOWER the exposure), *laserpowermw is equivalent to apeture (the higher the number the HIGHER the exposure).
;Note: I have found that the ratio between [perimeter] laserpowermw and [fill] modellaserpowermw is between 1:1.29 and 1:1.49
;for example, if fill modellaserpowermw is 35 perimeter modellaserpowermw will be 45), I round to whole numbers.
modelxyfeedrate = 700 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the model. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
modellaserpowermw = 62 ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of the model (max: 62 mW)
supportxyfeedrate = 700 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the supports. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
supportlaserpowermw = 62 ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of thesupports. (max: 62 mW)
basexyfeedrate = 700 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
baselaserpowermw = 62

  • ; Laser power in mW used for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW)

;these are the fill (“infill”) settings, think of prints as having solid infill: in photography terms *feedrate is equivalent to shutter speed (the higher the number the LOWER the exposure), *laserpowermw is equivalent to apeture (the higher the number the HIGHER the exposure).
;Note: On average models should be hollow (“shelled”), printing models solid both wastes resin and will cause all kinds of shrinkage and printing problems. Meshmixer is a good program to use for hollowing models: . 1mm to 4mm walls work well depending on the model, include a drain hole in the model.
;Note: I have found that the ratio between [perimeter] laserpowermw and [fill] modellaserpowermw is between 1:1.29 and 1:1.49, for example, if fill modellaserpowermw is 35 perimeter modellaserpowermw will be 45), I round to whole numbers.
modelxyfeedrate = 1600 ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the model. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
modellaserpowermw = 62 ; Laser power in mW for the model. (max: 62 mW)
supportxyfeedrate = 1600; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling supports. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
supportlaserpowermw = 62 ; Laser power in mW for filling supports. (max: 62 mW)
basexyfeedrate = 610 ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the base (aka raft). (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
baselaserpowermw = 50 ; Laser power in mW used for filling the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW)

;layer thickness, number of offsets (shells) , laser beam overlap and model size adjustments
SliceHeight = 0.1 ; The layer thickness in mm. For example 0.1 is 100 microns (0.1 mm). Be aware that values not corresponding to whole z-motor microsteps (0.0025 mm) will be rounded.
ScanlineSpacing = 0.09 ; Spacing of fill lines in mm.
InnerBoundaryOffset = 0.12
OuterBoundaryOffset = 0.03 ; Offset from model perimeter to outermost outline in mm. Conceptually this is the curing radius of the outermost outline.
Xcorrectionfactor = 1.008 ; Scale factor for the x axis to account for shrinkage.
Ycorrectionfactor = 1.008 ; Scale factor for the y axis to account for shrinkage.
ScanlineBoundaryOffset = 0.03 ; Offset in mm from the innermost outline to the boundary of the fill. If this is zero, the fill touches the innermost outline; if this is positive it does not; if this is negative, the fill overlaps at least the inner outline.
OffsetsNum = 3 ; Number of outlines to draw. min: 0; max: unlimited

;Laser passes over model during layer exposure, can be different for different types of layers.
;build plate attachment layer exposure
firstlayerpasses = 10 ; The number of laser passes to do for layer 0 to attach to the build platform.
;normal layer exposure
otherlayerpasses = 3 ; The number of laser passes to do for most layers (typically 1).
;usually used for support layers, not needed for “standard” i.e non form1 specific resins. I use this as a second build plate attachment layer.
earlylayerpasses = 3 ; The number of laser passes to do for early layers as defined by earlytimesexpose. ***** NOTE: used as second attachment layer *****

;Vat and build plate movement, speeds and timings between layer exposures
;Note: some layer and build plate attachment problems can be helped by lowering p1downvel and or p2downvel settings (slows the tilt)
earlytimesexpose = 2 ; The number of layers that will be exposed earlylayerpasses times (excluding layer 0). That is, if earlytimesexpose is 3 and earlylayerpasses is 2, layer 0 will get firstlayerpasses passes, layer 1 and 2 will get 2 passes, and subsequent layers will get otherlayerpasses passes.
postlasercurewait = 4 ; Duration in seconds to wait from when the laser turns off until the motors start to move.
earlytimespeel = 0 ; The number of layers for which the p1 moves will be done. These are typically slower moves.
p1downvel = 0 ; Initial tilt speed in mm/s (at the tilt motor).
p1downmove = 0 ; Initial tilt distance in mm.
p1upvel = 0 ; Velocity of p1upmove in mm/s.
p1upmove = 0 ; Tilt up-move displacement in mm (should be negative).
p1upslowvel = 0 ; Velocity for p1upslowmove in mm/s.
p1upslowmove = 0 ; Additional up move in mm to overdrive into the hard stop. (Should be negative or zero.)
p2downvel = 0 ; Velocity of p2downmove in mm/s.
p2downmove = 0 ; After earlytimespeel, tilt distance in mm.
p2upvel = 0 ; Speed of p2upmove in mm/s.
p2upmove = 0 ; After earlytimespeel, un-tilt distance in mm. (should be negative.)
p2upslowvel = 0 ; Speed of p2upslowmove in mm/s.
p2upslowmove = 0 ; After earlytimespeel, overdrive distance into hard stop in mm. (Should be negative or zero.)
squishwaitmin_s = 0 ; Low end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.
squishwaitmax_s = 0 ; High end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.

The original material files particularly the documented file were created by Henry Locke at and were uploaded here without attribution, the documented material file among other matererial files can be found at this post OpenFL Material Files and technical info from

OK, unless you created the actual OpenFL and the actual base file for formlabs printers you created nothing along the lines of openFL except ini’ I was not able to work You deserve some credit but by no means all like seem to be proclaiming. I give the main thanks to formlabs for even allowing us to get this far, not you. Unless you created this machine, that is… You added a few notes to what was already created and released by formlabs. And would not be available if not for them creating it.

You sold me a vat and gave some instructions, you do not include in your documentation that demands everyone praise you for adding a few notes to a released ini file. Or for selling a flexvat that

You took formlabs code added a few notes to it and now claim it like you created the entire printer and sell a flexvat for it, that has instructions for it all over. So also, unless you created the very first flexvat for 3d printing that ever created you took the idea to make it work with formlabs.

I don’t see your thanking Formlabs at all for creating this printer so you could have the ability to sell your vats, or belittle and demand praise on the internet so complete strangers can see the great and all knowing Henry Locke created something else from someone else’ something.

I was using OpenFL weeks before ever even finding out what your flexvat was, And acheieved these results without asking you for any coding help. I was not even using your flexvat at the time of testing, and when I did, instructions were not clear, and even tho you say my exposure times are off, I was unable to print anything with any of your included files that came with the vat. I looked, read notes, nothing I wouldnt have been able to figure out on my own. your documentation did help me, but do not act like you are some god over people who use your products and then chose not to disclose it especially when it is a 3rd party product and feature formlabs was kind enough to release.

Had you waited for your words of praise, you would have received it, I was going to review your product and also thank you for adding notes to the openFL documentation to aide. However w/ this type of PRAISE ME attitude I will take my buisness elsewhere.

I am no longer interested in any flexvat or future vat. I would much rather spend my money with formlabs.
Sad too, I was hoping you would help me with a part for my smaller printer, but you jumped in here and started beating your chest , when really a lot of coding is just taking bits and pieces and creating what you need, however I have realized it is just a vat, not a hard thing to create.

I also am not going to respond to this thread and if the mods want to delete it, feel free to delete it.

Ciao a tutti, con questo sistema è possibile abbassare il livello della base?

Compare the original material file and the documented file.

Also the needed exposures for the above should be closer to the medium exposure material file I created, the exposures are way too high (most 3rd party resins are more sensitive than Formlabs resins, some like NextDent Ortho by a lot).

The basic material files (documented, low medium and high exposure) can be downloaded as a zip file here: []

The original Formlabs Form_1+_FLGPCL02_100-1.ini if you want to compare it to my documented file:

For tips on manipulating material file exposures: OpenFL Material Files and technical info from this is the second post in the topic.

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So wait, can you really print without peeling? Seems plausible, but would lead to severe fine-detail distortion and sogginess. Might be OK for designed-for-printing parts.

If there’s a way to disable peeling, is there equally a way to limit peeling to make prints significantly faster? I’d estimate about 40-75% of the print time is consumed by peeling operations. Would be nice if it would just Z-hop to do a quick peel instead… especially when only small bits are being printed, or to peel the tank only 10% of the way when printing opposite the hinge (largest tank travel side).

Yes, I did it / showed api proof using a different makers juice under room temp conditions ( not ideal ) , I think the newest form 3 reduces this peeling procedure , I used a broken form 1 off ebay that support helped me to repair, this entire thread is based off my own to-much-free-time. Until it eventually broke out into a nerd fight… howver MIT took notes and to my guess was amused and also took notes. : you can find a used form 1 in any sort of condition on ebay for auction, I used it as a learning process as did others : it truly was a great expierement at the time /

And you answered your own question. . / by removing the peeling process, productine time speeds up by minutes

As I also noted above, it printed small objects (figure size) to perfection , when scaling up detail and phrasing happened.

And yes you can resin print with no motor. Your lazer just needs to highly tuned which will cost alot in resin and VOCS…

It was fun when it was…

Hi sharpknife
Are You still using your Form1+ with OpenFL. I have an old old Form1 from 2012 that actually looks ok .
