High Temp V1 vs V2

High temp V2 has just been released… with improved elongation… Hooray!

Is there a datasheet or forcebench data available for a direct comparison?

HighTemp-DataSheetV02.pdf (225.9 KB)
HighTemp-DataSheetV01.pdf (329.1 KB)

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The HDT is going down from 289°C to 238°C.

What is the reason to do this?
The high temperature was a main reason to chose the form2 for our prototypes.
We need materials with HDT higher 260°C

Will the V01 available?

This. That’s a huge drop in effective temperature rating.

It’s for the elongation and brittleness. The materials that improve those traits are rubbery and would severely reduce the HDT. Unfortunately it’s a balancing act between high temp and good shatter resistance.

I don’t think V1 will still be available, just based on Formlabs approach with other resins. :confused:

It on the other side, makes me very happy to see this!

We’ve been struggling a lot with the brittleness of this material. We have applications where we need 150C capability for connectors, but they always break at room temperature during insertion. I really hope it’s improved for this application.

@Formlabs @Formlabs_Sales @Frew
Can get a confirmation V1 High Temp will continue to be manufactured?

Lots of the initial applications advertised for this material will no longer be possible with this great reduction in HDT.

As I unerstand is the elongation grown from 2% to 2,4% at the High-Temperature Level. That’s still very brittle.
To reach the HDT of 238°C I have to cure it now for 5 hours.

It is hard for me to see the real advantage.

Is it possible, that formlabs has had problems with the production of the HighTemp-V01 Material?
That would be a reason to me, to understand the change of the properties.

This is a first - but we are happy to say V1 is still available. You can buy it via the Hight Temp V2 store page by scrolling to the bottom. We understand version changes can be frustrating and want to help make formulation switchovers less disruptive. When possible, expect more overlap with formulation changes going forward, as we slowly ramp down previous formulations after the new version is made available.

When talking to customers with applications at higher temperatures - the failure mode was typically brittle failure, not deformation. As a result, we are confident that a reduction in HDT for an improvement in brittleness will help customers push parts further.

We worked directly with high volume customers during development and didn’t encounter an application where V2 failed, where V1 had worked previously.

Remember that HDT is an indication of how a material behaves at higher temperatures but does not indicate an operating threshold. For static applications where the parts will not undergo any loadings, parts may withstand an environment higher than 238°C. @fantasy2 that sounds like the kind of application we’d hope you see improvement with.

High Temp materials are often prone to brittleness. You are right - this remains our most brittle material but any improvement here could be the difference between parts failing or not as in the above example where they were breaking on insertion.

If you are still concerned about your application - please contact sales (sales@formlabs.com) to discuss a custom sample of a ‘reasonably sized’ print for you to evaluate.

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With V2 we’ve also rolled out new post-cure recommendations. The UV post-cure + additional thermal post-cure is the best method we’ve found to get to the maximum HDT for a material and for more consistent results. We believe this method is also beneficial for V1.

We found, that the HDT of parts in the field printed in V1 was quite variable in reality than with the reported technical data. What we do want to communicate is that HDT and elongation are sort of ying and yang. Depending on your operating temperature, and what sort of forces your part is under, you may want to play with post-cure time to find the right approach for your particular application. We can imagine some scenarios like @fantasy2 's example where you might do less of a post-cure to get good enough HDT to benefit from more robust parts.