Hello there fellow Fuse 1+ users.
While trying to update the firmware on our newly aquired Fuse 1+ 30w i ran into a “problem”.
When trying to update via the PreForms Update Assistant it simply won´t let me, because in the assistants opinion i am already using the latest Firmware. But: According to the attached screenshots it runs version 1.18.0 (May 2024) whilst 1.21.1 is available for download.
I now could install the update manualy, but i wanted to make sure not to make a mistake in doing so. If installing the newer Firmware fails in any way, would it be possible to downgrade to a prior version?

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Yes you can easily revert back to a previous firmware using those available on the Formlabs website.
Thanks for your reply. As we are also facing some other issues with our new Fuse we decided to contact FL Support first and work on these issues first. For example the first two jobs worked fine, but nearly every following job was aborted by the machine due to the parts being shiftet by the Roller.
Usually when the parts are moved by the roller it is either contaminated powder, a mistreated roller that has been either scratched or dented by the vacuum attatchment. They are extremly sensitive from what i´ve seen. I´ve replaced ours atleast 4-5 times across 3 printers over the last 2 years.
Are you using fresh powder or what refresh rate are you pushing?
I had a look at the roller and it indeed seems “scratched”. I see some kind of radial shadow in 2 locations but a scratch can´t be felt when touched with my finger or gently scraped with my fingernail. Additionaly i am extremely cautiuos whenn vacuuming the inside of the fuse.
We are using a 30% refresh rate as it is the pre-set setting and we didn´t wanted to mess with it.
They scratch insanely easy. 30% refreshrate i´ve never done. We always run 50% on Nylon 12GF.
What material are you running?
Do you have your printers on a UPS/Line conditioner?
Edit: Since you can´t feel the scratches at all it might just be contaminated powder. If possible try a run with 100 fresh powder and see if you can replicate the issue. That would be my startingpoint.
I had another look: Indeed theres a tiny scratch on the roller. Could be possible that a part thats been moved by the roller/recoater got mashed between the roller and platform.
We don´t use a UPS or similar. The machine is pluged directly to the socket in the wall.
I thought about emptying the hopper and try using fresh powder only, but somehow our companys controlling thought one 10kg bag of powder was enough for a start. Now we are stuck with no fresh powder left and have to wait for the delivery of new powder to arrive. 
Thanks for your help and indeas, it´s greatly appreciated.
Edit: We will try to archieve a higher percentage of powder-purity by emptying the hopper, sifting the powder and refilling the hopper with whatever percentage of powder-purity we get. Hopefully it will be closer to 50% than 30%. Until now we used 1.7kg out of the base 10kg of new powder. I know we can´t calculate with what purity percantage we end up with due to the unknown amount of “unbuilt and siftet powder”, but for now thats all we can do. We did order new Powder mid last week, but no one knows when the delivery will show up.
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Keep me posted as im always interested in how things get solved. 
Thank you