Hello. I’m terribly disturbed because I think I just broke the motor of my FormWash. I would like to wash a second time my print but it was a big print (18cm long) and I’d already taken it out of the support of the From3. So I put my print in the basket. When the washing finished, the basket automatically lifted up but my print was not straight in the basket and the top of the print was hung the plastic piece arround the edge of the wash bucket. So the motor forced and now it can no longer be fully opened or closed. I’m afraid I broke my FormWash although i bought it four month ago. Could you give me some advice on how to solve my problem ? Thank you in advance for your help.
Hey Eric!
I’m sorry to hear about your Form Wash! The best thing to do to get help most efficiently is to contact our support team here and they’d be more than happy to lend a hand.
Hi DKirch, thanks for your answer. I contacted my reseller’s support team; I’m waiting for a help right now.
Have a good day.
I finally solved my problem. As the basket was still moving a bit (very slowly and over a very short distance upwards and making an incredible scraping noise when it moved downwards) I insisted a bit by making several round trips to the basket. Each time it went up a little higher. After about ten times, he went back up to his highest position and everything was back in order… phew!