Elastic 50A adheres to Gray Resin V4 with CRAZY GLUE!

I wanted to create a flexible diaphragm between my Oguage toy (Lionel) passenger cars. I know this is of NO interest to most of you.

I send a message via Support saying that the use of 50A as a bellows would only be useful for me if the bellows could attach to other fixed elements. They were unhelpful, saying that they knew of no adhesive to do this.

INSTEAD, I should have searched this FORUM.

Crazy Glue allows flexible 50A to adhere to solid Gray 4!


Hey @alan1950!

So glad you found what you were looking for! A lot of folks have had similar questions here, never hurts to search. :slight_smile:

Any information a bit mor specific to understand te type of glue? For me crazy glue means not much XD, and not sure if there are more than one type


any brand

Hi @Jorge_ENG ,

Crazy Glue is a brand name that has become synonymous with “cyanoacrylate glue”, also commonly known as super glue. I personally enjoy the Bob Smith Industries brand for my personal projects, although Formlabs has no official brand referral.

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