Silicon50A - can it be glued?

Looking to ‘glue’ the flexible 50 - to fabric. doesn’t need to have continued flex - but needs to lock to it…

I COULD use some resin and bond it, but would rather use some other bond (my silicon is already colored, so UV won’t penetrate).

A/B resin?
Is there anything that will hold?

any ideas?

I glued it to gray resin with crazy glue.
Not sure about fabric.

To clarify:
you glued Elastic 50A Resin V2 to Grey resin (Pro or V5?) with crazy glue?

I would use directly a very small amount of resin to try to wet the fabric and the part, and cure it with UV. Even if coloured you mean tinted before print, then UV penetration won’t be an issue, at least for small dabs. If not add regular flexible 50 just for the adhesion and cure it.

And, tons of other great products here as well. A fantastic resource.



Thanks for the tip!

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