Double clicking on .form in Windows 8.1 does not work

Apologies if this was reported before.

Double clicking on some .form files crashes Preform (on two of my Windows 8.1 machines).
It only happens with some files, i’m not sure what’s special about them.

Opening them from within Preform works perfectly fine, though.
I can provide an example file if you need one.

Thanks, Ante! I’m sure you’re right — please do provide a sample file so we can verify w/o ambiguity. I’ll pass this on to our software team.

I’ve seen this too… All the time.

Also, I’ve seen many copies of the software left open using memory after you close it and they need to be closed with the task manager one by one.

Isn’t this just a case of Windows not understanding what application to use to open the file? Did you try to associate the extension with the Preform application?

No, you misunderstand, it’s not missing a file association.
It opens and crashes instantaneously.

And it only happens with some files (no apparent rhyme or reason).

You can find the file here:

Ah, nevermind :smile:

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