Do Pa12 and pa12gf are watertight?

Hi all, anybody know if we can produce watertight parts made of pa12 and pa12gf?

Hi Paolo,

Thank you for reaching out! It’s great to hear from you. My name is Shiden, and I work as an Innovation Manager at Formlabs.

Fuse 1 prints are both waterproof and watertight. You can find the total water absorption for each printed material in the technical data sheet. While there may be a slightly porous surface layer from printing that can wick liquids, the core of the SLS-printed material remains solid and fully fused.

I hope this answer helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to let me know. :slight_smile:

Shiden Yohannes

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Even better vapor smoothed we made some in house watering cans using PA12 then vapor smoothed and no leaks or absorbance.

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Great! Many thanks! Do you have a whitepaper design for waterthight, considering thickness, materials and pressure?

Yes we do. Here is the Blog Post and here is the White Paper.

Hi. What kind of cham did you use for smoothing? Do you have any DYI solutions or did you buy a machine for it??

Pa12 or pa11 can’t be smoothed with DIY solutions, you need a machine like AMT or Dyemansion.

We have a AMT POSTPRO 3D using their chemical.

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