Could someone tell me where to find the new Adaptive Layer Thickness Feature for 3.0?
They briefly talk about it in the formlabs webinar Introducing the Form 3: Product Demo video.
They said it was in the new release of preform 3 but I cant find it at all. Also there is no info about it on there site that I can find.
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Nice catch, It’s there near the middle of the page :
But I haven’t seen the feature in PreForm and it isn’t listed in the changelog,
This is a highly anticipated feature so I am surprised that they would “stealth release” it without updating threads on the forum or at least mention it in the changelog. To me this look like a feature that’s been pushed back for the next release and exposed by error on the website.
I said this in another thread, but I’ll repeat it here: Adaptive layer thickness has been announced but not shipped yet. Expect to hear more and see it in upcoming PreForm versions.
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