I’ve finally had time to get a print photographed well – my initial quick attempts were less than satisfactory. (Good lighting really helps with the clear resin, and it took me a while to get a good blend of natural light and artificial.)
Anyway, here is a robot I quickly modeled today and printed. You can see a bunch more pics, including sizing with calipers, at my blog: http://wp.me/p2hTaI-kC

I put the STL file on Thingiverse if anyone else wants to print it. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:100891
Do note that I scaled the robot down 50% in PreForm before printing the one in the pics.
I`m not sure how others are thinking but I have to say Gregg, I am slightly confused by your tone in this post. The stepping and layering in this print seem overly “loud”. Other prints I have seen from the Form1 definitely give a much better impression of the potential quality of this fantastic machine.
How was your model setup in Preform? What was the polygon count of the .stl? When I compare your images to that of say the example from Bunny`s blog or those from Formlabs and others on this forum I am not sure whether you are pleased or not?
I apologise for the cynicism but gotta call it like it is.
On the positive note…Can`t wait for my Form1!!!
Sorry for any confusion – it was not intended. Being excited, I got ahead of myself and didn’t say things well. I wouldn’t have posted this unless I absolutely thought that THE FORM 1 IS AWESOME! 
I do see that my tone was odd, I expressed disappointment first off based on not being able to get good photos, but that wasn’t meant to say that I wasn’t getting good prints. I’m super impressed that this pendent came out as well as it did considering it’s tiny; it’s only 3.5mm thick, the head is 10mm wide, the hands are 3mm wide, an eye is only 2mm diameter. I tried to show it next to a US penny for scale, but my blog has caliper sizing pics.Now, as for the layering being “loud” – I agree. However, to me it seems that this is more related to the way the clear resin reflects and refracts light; it is very shiny and glossy and any ridge, no matter how tiny, reflects light. Clear resin may be like black ABS when it comes to photographing it – every small detail gets exaggerated. I will say that it feels totally smooth to the touch, regardless of how it looks.I actually feel that the layering on this is better than the layering I’ve received on some stainless steel and brass parts I’ve gotten from Shapeways.I will get another print of it going this morning at 0.025mm and see how that looks in pics.Regardless, let me just be sure I’m clear this time (no pun intended) – I’m super happy with the results from the Form 1. 
Hey Gregg, Upon reflection, also no pun intended, I definitely agree with the photographic issues that one would have with a clear resin. Good to hear you are super pleased with the Form1. There is a lot to be said for material choice when prototyping and more often than not a clear resin would not be the “go to” especially when it comes to evaluating form/surface etc. I guess it’s one reason why we are all waiting for the good people behind the Form1 to release their next material. Be it the grey which was used in all their marketing or milky white and the list goes on. Look forward to seeing your print at 0.025mm.
Thanks for posting these! I’m not sure how “off hand” it was, but thanks for mentioning the print time as well. I’m also really glad to hear you’re going to print it again at 25 microns - I can’t wait for the pics!
to avoid the stairs effect, try to print the robot with more angle.
Nearly horizontal surfaces will display these layers, but you can get a very smooth finish even with 50 micron layers.
Also forward to seeing this printed at 0.025mm! I would if spray primer would fill in those layer steps just enough that they would be much less noticeable?
Since I had a tip to include that I didn’t want lost down in the depths of this thread, I posted a new post with the 0.025mm layer print. http://support.formlabs.com/entries/24074542-Tiny-robot-at-printed-0-025mm-pics-and-a-tip