Black V3 does require denser support structures than earlier versions of the resin because of the matting agent. If you have parts that were previously being printed in Black V2, it’s important to clear and re-generate the supports using Black V3 settings.
One of the main causes of cracking we’re seeing is when two separate islands mate together. If you visualize a carrot character like this ‘^’, the boundary at which the two seperate halves meet requires additional support structures. We’re looking into making the support generation algorithm more robust to catch cases like this. In the mean time, manually adding additional supports in these regions can be a big help.
The main advantage with Black V3 is enhanced feature resolution and for many, the Matte finish is an aesthetic advantage that makes parts more appealing and presentation ready. We’re seeing most cracking caused by under supported geometry or interfaces between disconnected islands rather than shrinkage or warping of the final parts. Let me know if any of these modifications are applicable to your case and help to cut down on cracking! I’m happy to take a look at your .form file as well and offer any tips.