Water washable resin on Form 2 printer

Hello, I recently tried AnyCubic water washable resin on my Form 2 printer. I honestly didn’t think it would print, given that the heat and mixer bar are disabled when in Open Mode, and the fact I used an old resin tank, which I cleaned out with IPA. But it did print.
Question: has anyone else tried water washable resin on a Formlabs printer?
What I have found is that any real detail on the part tends to be soften. I tried the resin on two different parts. Both parts printed OK but I noticed that sharp corners where rounded. Also, there were wide dimensional discrepancies. For example, on one part the 3D CAD model has a feature that is 25mm wide. The printed part measures 26.14mm.
I’m not too bothered with parts not being accurate given that I’m looking to print objects that don’t require critical features. But I would like to know how I can correct this if I need to print engineering parts that have critical features.
Your comments appreciated.