Volume explosions everywhere but center of build plate!

I am unable to get you pictures of the end results as the have mostly been disposed of. I have saw a small amount of ragging in my last print but my biggest issue is voids in the part which results in complete loss, separation from the support structure or holes in the part.

I took a good look at the glass optical window tonight an noticed it is not clean on the underside. I can see the anti-glare coating gives off a gold tint and it looks cooked in areas with freckles and discoloured. I also noticed there is a dust on the primary mirror. I have attached photos for you viewing.

The freckles can be seen in the lamp reflection.

I suspect the scattered nature of the light diffusion in this image is from the optical glass.

Here you can see a white flex on the primary.

Can I clean the primary and the under side of the optical glass? My machine is only 4 months old.

I just found this one.

and This looks a lot like my problem except I did successfully print all of the piece on the 1st attempt. I just did an update to the firm and will be filtering my tank tomorrow night.