Unable to combine shipping of resin tanks with resin or FormOne because of packaging issues

I recently tried to combine shipping of my recent purchase of two resin tanks with my previous orders of resins in an attempt to reduce international shipping costs, but was unsuccessful. The reason given was that they only offering shipping refunds on bottles of resin that have been bundled. This does not apply to resin tanks as they all ship separately.

I assumed that the resin is being shipped from a different location from the tank, so I tried to combine shipping with my FormOne instead, which have yet to be shipped. I was unsuccessful as well. The reason given this time was because the resin tanks can only be shipped out in single boxes.

I think this is incredibly inflexible, especially in view that this could significantly reduce the international shipping costs for a customer.

We’re working on packaging our materials more effciently, as we know this is an issue for our international customers. At this time, however, we don’t have the systems in place. This will not always be the case, and we’re working on it – but at the moment, only resin (in multiples of four) can be consolidated for cheaper shipment. There is no additional room in the Form 1 box for extras – and it’s already fairly large.


I believe it would be possible for Formlabs to officially offer consolidation of at least one additional resin tank with the delivery of the Form1 as it does fit into the finish kit box.

It’s issues like this that keep me waiting before I ship.  The Form 1 is no doubt the best bang for buck, but it needs to be backed up by better customer service.  We understand you are a small inexperienced and growing company, but customer service needs to be No.1 on your priority list.

I hope you are working with international partners to sell your product outside of the USA, as when I order mine I want it shipped to me overnight, with spares and resin in the same order.  Do that and your order numbers will jump.

*order - not ship.  Another thing, please use a better forum system, they are free. :wink:

@ Sam J. How will this affect customers in Hawaii?