The problem of printing 25 micron
The lack of printing 25 micron piece carefully, but support was made
What is the problem?
If you want that part to print oriented like that, you will need to add 4 more supports and enlarge the touch point size way up.
Your better bet is to orient it with both X and Y sides up at about 45 degrees. Then you can use 2 or 3 supports where the part starts to generate and a few scattered up the part.
FWIW, I don’t think that part is worth printing at 25 microns. Print it at 100 and sand the surfaces smooth. Maybe slightly enlarge it so the final part is dimensionally accurate.
Print the slope is the same way
printing surfaces parallel to the build platform is a big NO NO. I always slope at minimim 15°, better 25°.
Large areas should be supported at least every 3 or 4cm.
I have no problem printing at 25 micrometers.
Actually printing at higher rates may induce more tray clouding. Maybe someone wirh more clouding experience can verify that?
Add more parts and locate them close together to share the base creating a larger overall footprint that will stick much better to the platform.
A few more questions,
What point size are you using?
Can you print either of your models at 50 or 100 micron with success? Have you had any other failures or successful prints at the other resolutions?
Can you post up the .form files of both parts?
Being that you are getting rafts to print, your vat should be clean of debris, I assume you have fished out anything floating around in the resin and scraped the bits stuck to the pdms layer.
I would also angle this part up a bit more.
25 micron layers are very weak. I almost never print at 25 micron as the detail improvements almost never weigh up against the change of a failed print.
What is the printing orientation relative to the wiper?
You need more supports at the start/bottom of the print. 0.3mm will work fine for this part. But at least add two or three more support. I also print these kind of prints almost vertical(like 10 degree from vertical). Works much better(less stress on the supports due to lower total layer surface).
Many objects can be printed a 0.1mm without obvious layering being visible in the print. In general, you should start with the highest layer size and work down to lower sizes if it appears necessary. When printing at 0.25mm, the cross-sectional area of each layer has to be kept small or the support density has to be increased significantly (you can go >100%) to ensure the layer doesn’t peel off the supports instead of off the PDMS like you want…
I would open up a support ticket.
The platform is not going to be perfectly flat to the bottom of the tray, the system compensates for it with a higher exposure time starting out. This is so that you don’t have to do any platform calibration when printing, you just attach it and print.
Obviously this is true but his test should have printed all of the little cubes and his butterflies look terrible, that crud in between the butterflies shouldn’t be there. I would first say that the optics are dirty but he is using a Form 2. So, in theory it can’t (or shouldn’t) be that. Maybe some pictures of the internal mirrors, vat, and cover glass would assist us in troubleshooting.
Seconding suggestions to open up a ticket with our support team so we can help troubleshoot this with you. There shouldn’t be cured resin between the rafts and that usually means that the laser is being scattered somehow. Linking this thread in your ticket as well as including PreForm and Firmware versions would be a big help.
I clean the glass window but it has dust and cloud under glass window
how can i clean under the glass window
Was it printing correctly before?
Is that moisture underneath the window? I’ve seen this in another thread. That would definitely be an issue.
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