I have had my Form1+ for about 2 weeks now, and one area that I have found is lacking is the PreForm auto generation of supports. Auto supports does well to find all the edges of the model, but when printing shelled parts (this one has a 2mm wall), I have had many issues printing flat surfaces because there are no supports to add rigidity to flat faces.
One example is the part I have attached. The bottom face (in the bottom right quadrant of the picture) printed perfect with the supports shown in this image:
I had to manually add in the supports shown touching the flat part of the face. PreForm only added the supports to edges. I suspect that what is happening during the printing process is that the flat faces have less rigidity then curved faces, so during the peal processes, they are being deformed and the next layer is not being formed correctly. This picture shows the same part printed without supports in that location:
The surface is porous and it seems that it isn’t curred all the way through. During rinsing after the printing, I can press on this area and see bubbles of cleaning solution and resin in the middle of the wall. It feels flimsy and hollow.
Any other experiences with this?
In summary, I would like to suggest that PreForm add support to thin (around 2mm) and shallow angled (less then 45 degrees) walls.