Is it possible to purchase shipping packaging for the Form 3B+? I would like to list for sale and anticipate having to ship and want to do so properly.
Unfortunately, I did not keep the original packaging.
Is it possible to purchase shipping packaging for the Form 3B+? I would like to list for sale and anticipate having to ship and want to do so properly.
Unfortunately, I did not keep the original packaging.
Hi @additiveedge47,
Great to hear from you! I just read your message and have already reached out to a few people. Once I have an answer to your question, I’ll follow up and keep you updated.
Wishing you a great start to your day from Berlin!
Shiden Yohannes
Hi @additiveedge47,
It’s actually simpler than I thought. We do have a SKU for it, so it’s definitely possible. The easiest way would be to send an email to, and they will know how to process it.
Let me know if that works for you.
Wishing you a great day!
Best regards,
Formlabs doesn’t sell replacement packaging, you can DIY it with a double-wall box, foam inserts, and anti-static wrapping.