Public .form Files

Hi everyone,

In an effort to gauge interest in our development of a ready-to-print model repository for Formlabs users, we would love for you to share any .form files that you think others might enjoy. This could be a passion project, a jig or stand for a consumer product, or even just a build plate packed with screws and nuts to save someone a little time. Please attach a picture of the print as well as the .form file so that people can quickly see what you made - I’ll get us started below.

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Hammer and Chisel
(Printed in BioMed Clear)

MedicalMallets_V3.form (5.5 MB)

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Adjustable Angle Bracket
(Printed in Grey v5)

AdjustableAngleBracket.form (1.1 MB)

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Short Elastic Lattice
(Printed in Elastic 50A)

ShortElasticLattice.form (3.4 MB)

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(Printed in Rigid 10K)

Multitool.form (73.3 KB)

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Miniature Fuse 1
With hinged door and removable build chamber!
(Printed in Nylon 12)

MiniFuse1.form (244.9 KB)

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