Share form files


I see so many really awesome prints, and the biggest thing I see missing in our Form1 community is a place to share the models.  I have a suggestion:  Although the site is still in development, it offers a really nice interface and the ability to share files for free (using many open source license agreements) or for a profit.

If there’s enough interest, I’m sure we can get the site to add specific categories to easily tag/search for form files.

Just an idea – the most frustrating part of owning my Form1 has been not being able to re-create the awesome models I see this community generating.

I’ve looked at the site and it has potential. For the most part what is wrong with passing STL files like thingiverse does.  I am still waiting on my Form1 to show up so I’m just asking. Most of the .form files will be different just like .gcode due to the difference is preform’s slicer version and level of support.

I do think a universal version of thingiverse might be needed.

Although sharing the STL files is great, there’s still a lot of art involved.  PreForm’s suggestions aren’t always optimal.  Having a library that natively supports any file type with custom tagging would allow the community to share .form files – where the models have been optimized for resolution/resin with supports that are proven to output quality results. The custom tagging would allow users to identify the version of preform they are using…etc.  MakerPair has the ability to do all of that and provides flexibility that I haven’t seen in other model sharing sites.  Just a thought…