I recently purchased a Form 4B and since then I’ve been having problems with the prints. Normally, I used to operate a FormLabs 3D printer, the Form 3B, so I already have some experience with this printer as it is similar in terms of use and care.
Well, the printer was purchased in September and came with a print tank and a resin cartridge (Biomed Amber). After making the first print, we noticed that solidified resin began to appear in the print tank, causing the parts to come out either deformed or with remnants of resin that are not part of the design (as shown in the images provided).
After the first print, in which the defects appeared, before making the second print I carried out a ‘Printing Cleaning’, which is a resin tank cleaning tool that Form 4B itself provides, removed the ‘sheet’ that it creates and then made the second print, in which I also obtained the same defects.
With this problem still persisting, I then took the decision together with the printer’s supplier in my country (FormLabs’ partner printer in Brazil) to filter the resin to remove the impurities present and then make a print. This print was made and came out with few details (less details of solidified resin) which could be solved in surface finishing, but then the same problem arose with the third print and persists to this day.
Well, I’m looking for a solution to my problem and I’ve already lost about 2 print cartridges (BioMed Amber) to try and see what the problem is or whether or not I’m getting solidified resin in the tank or what, but the problem still persists.
the cured pieces you are finding are the result of print failures. thoroughly clean your build tank and try the automatic orientation function in preform and confirm that there are no warnings for cupping. If the debris is not completely removed, it will be impossible to know what else could be causing your failures. you may need to filter your resin if the debris is small or hard to see.
When my problem started to arise, I decided to stop printing and carry out a filtering of my resin and a very delicate cleaning of my tank to remove any impurities or solidified resin. After that, I made the prints, all with the guidance provided by the part positioning software and the supports it displayed, and yet the problems persist.
Is your Resin tank damaged or scratched? have you calibrated your build platforms maybe your platform is off a little causing issues with the pull off. but I’ve never used this material is it a elastic or hard material?
No, m tank is brand new and I’ve used it for exactly 29 hours. I have already used the calibration of the plataform, which I carried out during the installation of the printer itself, and I also carried out the calibration of the Z axis together with the support.
This resin is biocompatbile tough, with a hardness of 67 SHORE D and tension of 73 MPa.
So try this if you can print one with a full raft and have put it at like a 30 degree angle and let preform do the supports and see what happens we got some crazy part movement in the first few layers on our machine which caused defects like this with other tough resins and this fixed our issue.
Hi Matt, I made the impressions at a 30° angle and standardised the support, but there are still some solidification points on the piece, as shown in the following photos.