@JoshK that is a great thought I never considered looking for it. I do use desiccant a lot for keeping things dry.( most of them from shoe boxes and such)
as for drying the print? no that is not what I was saying.
1 1/2 years ago I was researching the cast ability of from1 as I know that is the direction that i wanted to go in 2 years, after selling my retail store and manufacturing to my employees.
I went to a medical device trade show in Boston to look at the form1. they had a both at the show. Spent an hour trying to talk and ask questions? knowing that the cast ability was the key for me.
The initial tool cost was not so bad after buying my laser welder 14 years ago ( best 38k I ever spent (never did replace the torch though)) ( i miss it )
any way spent the next 6 months learning more about the different printers and how they worked. There costs( WHOLE CRAP A LOT OF MONEY( and the consumables looked more like ink jet primer biz. plan))
I found several printers that where more entry level 5 to 15 k
not so good on resolution though?
In searching I ran across a chemical engineer that I talked with about why you can’t cast some resins. Long story short bad tendencies: to much carbon bad expiation habits and could absorb water when soaked ( getting the surface distortions and expansion)
Ok I can deal with all of that . Ceramic shell casting and a light coating of lacker at worst or just use my platinum investment (that stuff is like stone (ok it is stone))
to put it all down to it most of the resins can be cast you just need to look at what it needs different and you are good to go.
I was told you can’t cast bone and I had no problems at all once I learned to flip the flask and pull out the ash first
seashells a bit harder but doable. spiders now that was easy to do C.A. for wood a torn peace of paper to suck up the extra and you are on the money.
I think that any thing is doable some times not smart though.
Josh thanks for the support. Also that I can by that stuff at amazon thats my next stop.
@Steven, yes! I believe this is the place where we can try to help and support each other. I have given up casting formlabs resin for a while now. Please share with us what you can achieve when cast Formlabs, and MadeSolid resins.
I will keep you up on it …
I for the first time have been abel to do a burn test on form 1 clear resin .
I found that after post cure under a halogen light for 30 min. the resin gets tack free and does not absorb any water after a 2 hour soak.
it does seam to get slick with a soak in denatured alcohol.
when you burn the resin it does start to crystalize, burn, shrink then tern to carbon type blob finally to a small round ash nugget? IT should be abel to be removed from flask if reverse vacuumed before casting
ok so I will try to do a small vid of it or just a photo group if i can get them up.
my prints have not been as good as i had expected ( likely to be something I am doing?)
I will clean 2 models so that they will be what I would call usable.
I will start a support ticket tonight after i have photos of the prints to send them.
I will try casting in the next few days.
i will post my casting profile and i will set up a investment and resin that is open to look at any reaction with investment as it heats up.