Prices + VAT (European store)

Hello there!

Today I received the newsletter about the flexible resin (which is very cool). To my surprise, I noticed that prices have gone UP!

Previously I paid € 49 each resin tank. Now they cost € 59.

Previously I paid € 125 for 1 liter of resin. Now costs € 135.

I have a EU registered business and I didn’t have to pay VAT before (as there is not VAT for business purchases across borders) but now, when I go to the checkout, the calculation shows with VAT.

Can anyone from Formlabs explain the price hikes and the VAT issue? (I repeat that I already registered my UID number and purchased with no VAT before)

I would expect that with time and more competitors entering the market, the prices would become more competitive, it is certainly not a nice surprise to see them going up :\

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Ok, I just saw this post:

It sucks big time, but sucks even more that the post was closed to comments.

Anyway… I’m still looking for an explanation on the VAT issue.

Coming back to the resin cost…as others were voicing on that post above, with the price hike I’m also tempted to experiment with alternative resins.

You are not wrong. Got to be dubious.

I was one of the people reacting to that announcement as I would expect prices going down. However, they are somehow right in saying that the euro has appreciated a lot. I only wonder if the adjustment will also come if the euro goes down … but I doubt,

@Nicolas_Gonzalez_Gar — if you’re taking a look at the checkout page while not logged-in (and if you have a valid VAT number on your account), the final total should not include VAT. Are you sure you’re logged in? If you still see the VAT issue, do let us know!

@Sam_Jacoby Yes, I’m logged in, I have a registered UID and I still see the VAT, even when I continue on the check out process up to the payment.

Yes, I’m logged in, I have a registered UID and I still see the VAT, even when I continue on the check out process up to the payment.

Gotcha. We’re taking a look at it. That’s not the behaviour we expected. Thanks for the tip-off.

Got an order of maker juice resin on the way from the states. Cost around the £160 mark for 3 litres. Couldn’t resist trying out the green and red. I suspect there will be import tax on that too but it’s not a bad price.

I would prefer if prices were in pound sterling

@Sam_Jacoby I tried again and now is working fine… except for the updated prices :wink:

I also have the VAT issue …

Good to hear @Nicolas_Gonzalez_Gar.

@Francesco_Pessolano — I believe your issue should be resolved.

For other having issues with VAT, this is a setting set at the time of account creation, and can be edited on your account. Please send a note to for help, and they’ll fix you up!

It is solved indeed. Order placed, thanks.