ChituBox is pretty good, and has a lot of flexibility. So I wanted to show you what you can do with with a monochrome mSLA printer, like the Mono X.
To that end, I tried to replicate your print here. I made a 3mm elbow (about 1/8" diameter), and then duplicated it 4 times, then exported it to STL. I then imported the STL file into ChituBox, and had it generate medium supports. it only placed 3 supports, centered on the bottom, Usually I would do a quick test like that to see if there’s enough support, but for this test I added a couple of extra supports on the ends, near the lip of the elbow, and another couple supports that support the bottom, between the auto generated ones, but slightly off to the side for better lateral support.
FWIW, I also did this in Preform, and it too only generated 3 support in exactly the same place as ChituBox did, so maybe all the extra supports are overkill, but that’s not really the point of this. The point is to show you haw many of these elbows can be printed and how fast.
So here are some snapshots of from ChituBox.
Model imported and support generated
Supported model duplicated 30 times, so 120 elbows in total.
Completed Slice. The important thing to note is the actual print time, and the cost of the print based on $40/bottle resin cost.
So, what do you think? What is the estimated time to print that plate on the Form 2?
When I packed 30 models on the build area, same number as I did in ChituBox, adn did the virtual run in Preform using a Form 2 @ 0.05mm with Gray v3, it estimated the print at 2:57hours, 6 times longer than the Mono X.