NextDent artificial gingiva resin

hi all, my name is Gennaro Vitiello, I am a dentist and I use Formlabs for printing my models. I would like to buy NextDent artificial gingiva resin, someone has used it and can tell me with which print setup can I print?

Any updates on this?

I don’t know about the NextDent gingiva resin, but now there’s this resin from Formlabs for printing Denture Bases:

Page not found

How did u find it? hehehe seems u found the next upcoming release? :smiley:

It’s linked off of, and it was launched at CES a few weeks ago - the link in my previous post is dated January 8th, 2019. It is only released in the US, unfortunately, but I don’t think that’s a reason you’d get a page not found error from that link.

Just saw it:

“Shipping only in the United States. Formlabs Digital Dentures are certified biocompatible in the United States. We’re working with our partners to make these materials available elsewhere.”