With ABS you have the possibility to rub some acetone on the printed part to get a clean finish on the part. This video below gives you an example of the result. What happens is that the acetone reacts with the ABS and dissolves the top layer(s) of the print. It’s polishing it creating a very smooth result.
I’ve tried doing the same with my printed parts, but acetone doesn’t seem to affect resin in the same way. I’m wondering if there is a type of liquid matter which can achieve the same result with resin. I’d say it’s a simple chemical reaction. Perhaps we can create an even smoother finish with resin with a similar reaction.
How does that exactly work then? It’s not the glossy finish that’s important to me, The overall smooth finish is what I find interesting. So how does brushing on resin result in a smooth finish exactly? It seems like I might be missing the connection in my thought patterns
Isn’t the SLA resin parts more fragile than ABS? I would think acetone might just dissolve away any tiny details.
So far I have been printing mostly with the 25µ layers though most of my parts are > 2" in size. I have swapped to clear resin and don’t have build lines that I can notice.
I’ve tried this. Unfortunately SLA is not affected by acetone in any visible way.
@JonathanBaker, you’re right, however, some companies don’t want their parts to be sprayed. That’s why I’m looking for another way to do this without changing the actualy composition of the resin, or adding something extra. But you make a fair point
Ive used Acetone on my Form1 prints and for future reference it does the same job as IPA, just a bit more toxic. I use a fine sable brush with the Acetone but to be honest its really not worth it as there is a bit of skill involved. Acetone needs to be used in tiny quantities and brushed while wet, but acetone evaporates very quickly when your brushing so when it dries out you end up brushing tacky SLA resin which destroys the fine details and surface. Give it a go by all means but get really good quality soft brushes with medium to long bristles and hone your skills on some parts that don’t matter. Generally, I dip the brush in, give it a couple of passes and then dip again and carry on.
I’d strongly advice against using acetone on methacrylate prints, as it can cause the resin to expand and crack if soaked for too long. Where “too long” is not very long at all.
I actually had a print bloat, crack and fall apart in my hands while trying to get some acrylic paint off it using acetone.