I’m thinking of getting a SLA printer, but the big uncertainty holding me back is whether I can build large things like propellers by printing them piecewise and fusing them together like you can with ABS and acetone (or butanone).
The resins are proprietary, so I guess that’s why I can hardly find any information on this. Here’s what I know:
According to Wikipedia, photopolymers are thermoset, so that rules out melting them.
Vapour polishing anyone? - “they became very brittle, almost crumbly”
So acetone weakened and chemically changed the plastic.
- JoshK claims the resin is cross-linked acrylic. Acrylic is dissolved by Dichloromethane, which can be found in paint thinners.
Any hope of dissolving the curred resins in a solvent? If not, what about joining using joints (e.g. dovetailing) and super glue. Will this get 95% of the original yield strength like you can with ABS & acetone?