Is the Form 2 suitable for printing 32mm game miniatures

With the Form2 you can, but in your examples there are several that would need added supports–if you start from the bottom up then you have things like hands that float without anything to hold them up until they attach at the shoulder.
The $50,000 printers avoid the issue by using a wax material as support.

sure, once I get one ready for printing
thank you

thanks for that info Zachary!


The girl on rollerskates with the chainsaw is awesome!

Love it!

these arent mine incase there’s any confusion. Theyre just minis printed to a base that im showing for an example as to what I was refering to :slight_smile:

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I’m also interested in the Form 2 for gaming miniatures. Does anyone know where I can order a sample 25mm print, like where I would upload a STL file and they print it and send it to me? I ordered a sample model from Formlabs, but it sounds like it’s the same model the send to everyone. I’d like to be able to compare the detail of the Form 2’s print to one of my existing miniatures that were printed on one of those super expensive ones a few years ago, so I put em side by side and see if it will still be able to do all the teeny little details I want.

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