Interest In A Form 3 Dust Cover?

Greetings Forum,

I’ve had a couple requests for a fabric dust cover for the Form 3. Specifically, one that had some elastic around the bottom to cinch it tight, sealing in the smell. I’m trying to gauge demand for this to see if it’s worth producing. Form 3 Users, can I get a raise of hands if that’s something you’d be interested in?

For reference, here’s the dust cover I created for the Form 2-




I’m up for one :slight_smile:

Up for one. I’m using a trash bag at the moment.

@Ante_Vukorepa I hope that’s not a reflection on your opinion of the machine!
@ZVat_Industries Count me in!

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LOL no, i use a trash bag to cover all my 3D printers, and the Wash.

I am also in. Still waiting on my unit but sounds like a nice addition.

How is the airflow when using a trash bag. Are you worried about over heating?

@ZVat_Industries gonna happen sometime soon?

Oh, i don’t keep it on when printing usually.
When i do, it just tends to inflate from the airflow, letting the air escape, so there’s really no point.

What i do is put the bag on after i’m done printing for the day, and then air the room.

With the printer enclosed, it airs out way faster, and doesn’t continue to emit volatiles afterwards.

I would be interested as well.

Does anyone use the Form 2 cover while the printer itself is running?

I realized after I wrote that comment you probably don’t leave it on, lol. Twas a silly question.

I also own a Phrozen resin printer. The resin vat for this has a cover that seals the volatiles in the vat. It would be nice if the form 3 had something similar. I was thinking i can just take out the vat and store it in the box it came it, but that box seems flimsy and not air tight. I might have to use a trash for now.

“Embrace our lord and saviour the mighty trash bag.”
~ The Brotherhood of Trash


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I would be interested in a cover. I have my Form 3 in the basement, so not to worried about smell, but I could use a good dust cover

I would be interested in a cover for my Form2 and form3 please

The people have spoken. I find that a vinyl cover worked better than cloth fabric… imo… and toss a charcoal bag on top of it with the cover on works even better , so maybe leave a few MM on the top just in case, if possible/ considered. I also own one your covers… fit perfect / 0 complaints.

Hi everyone- My apologies for not being active on here in some time. The initial reaction to my post seemed mild but it’s been growing, plus I’ve been getting a fair number of email requests lately. I’m open to developing this.

There are a few design details to sort out. Vinyl vs. cloth, Elastic-cinched bottom or not. Maybe I’ll make a survey. If anyone has any other preferences or ideas for features please let me know.

The most pressing issue for moving this forward is I will need access to a Form 3 in the SF Bay Area as I don’t own one, specifically one that can be dropped off at the studio of the sewing shop I work with in SF for a day to make and test a pattern off of. Is anyone open to helping with this? I can offer a free cover and near-infinite forum community props at the least to the kind soul who can help. Message me or post if so.

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Hey ZVat,

My buddy and I both own form2 covers and love them; we now have a form3 at oyster point in South SF; we’d consider letting you use it as a template if it means you develop the 3 cover! Let us know! Thanks

PS we vote fabric with a window like the last one… vinyl rips and feels cheap!

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kind of a dead topic, but its exactly what im looking for, so im hoping these thing actually got made somewhere and i can buy one for my form 3!

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