I would like to know if Formlabs would contact the buyer of Kickstarter International before sending them their printers.
The reason for the question is that I have stopped wanting to make any payment to Formlabs till, I know I would be getting my printer within a week or so. But I Would like to add resins to my purchase, to avoid added shipping costs and/or delays.
One might say, why not just order now, but the real reason is trust. I have backed Formlabs since the first day they put up their printer. And I have not received anything to account for thousands of dollars. Thus, one ponders on the validity of claims that the printer would be shipped “soon”.
I have collected god knows how many coupons and have not used them. Please advice if I could use this coupons since day 1 till now.
Steve, International Form and Form Abroad backers machines are shipping and arriving right now (I just got mine, UK).
If you wish to save on resin shipping costs you will have to order before your Form1 ships you can ask for up to
4 bottles (total) to be delivered with your Form1. Although the (3) additional bottles still have a shipping cost it is significantly reduced if you compare to the cost of shipping separately, you get a refund from Formlabs a few days later.
Formlabs has a new policy where they notify you that your Form1 is shipping this email is within 24 hours of receiving notice from the courier however it may be to late to add additional resin once you have received that notice?
Just to update what I said above, I received my notification from Formlabs around 24 hours before my notification from shippers however I understand that Formlabs has said that their notification could be up to a week in advance.
Thanks, Steve. We’re working on providing more timely shipping-notifications for our backers – particularly internationally. We’re hoping to be able to give much more notice than that, eventually, as we work on some automated systems that sync up with our shipping and fulfillment back-ends.
As for the coupons – you will receive coupons for as long as you’re using your machine. Unfortunately, we don’t have systems in place to restore expired coupons. You can place orders for resin as your coupons are received, and we’ll include them when your printer does ship.
When did you expect to ship mine ? I’m in france, paris and international backer, but i know some FORM ABROAD living in france already have their printer
I understand frustration on this and Noreils is asked if you have got your Form1 yet?
Formlabs will send out up to a week in advance of any shippers notification that your Form1 is on route.
I think I may have been the first International Form backer to receive their Form1 (?) and as someone way way back on KS said it seems that it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the oil! From the minimal response of International KS backers touching base on KS comments I’m a little ? how many actually shipped Internationally.