How to print this without raft under empty space

It’s adding 5 hours to the print, mini raft and none makes no difference


Hi Rob, what resin is this? Could you share the PreForm file with me? We were not able to replicate it with a closed torus.

Black V4.1 100um:

Black V4 100um:

Black V4 100um with mini raft:

Our guess is that guess is you have raft optimized for Build Platform 2 enabled. You should disable it.

Thanks for your answer but build platform 2 is already disabled, I’m using default print settings for Form 3. Preform file attached.

preform_file.form (893.9 KB)

Hi @hartrob,

We were able to get the middle to not fill in at 4 degrees of Y rotation.
preform_file.form (1.4 MB)

That printed really nice at 4 deg, thanks for your help

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Perdona mi ignorancia, igual estoy diciendo una tontería
Uploading: Captura de pantalla 2025-01-06 133017.png…
. ¿Por que no lo imprime sin soportes?

Hi @Joguets, you could totally print this without supports. However, there is a slight chamfer on both edges, and the first few layers are slightly more overexposed than the rest of the print. This can lead to a slight “elephant’s foot” on the bottom layer where the print adheres to the Build Platform. Additionally, it can be difficult to remove from the Build Platform without damaging it if you’re not careful, which would be helpful to use Build Platform 2, which has Quick Release technology with a flexible steel sheet. Both can work, it really just comes down to preference for how the final part turns out.

Translation: Hola @Joguets, podrías imprimir esto totalmente sin soportes. Sin embargo, hay un pequeño chaflán en ambos bordes, y las primeras capas están ligeramente más sobreexpuestas que el resto de la impresión. Esto puede causar un leve “pie de elefante” en la capa inferior donde la impresión se adhiere al Build Platform. Además, puede ser difícil de retirar del Build Platform sin dañarlo si no tienes cuidado, por lo que sería útil usar el Build Platform 2, que tiene tecnología de Quick Release con una hoja de acero flexible. Ambas opciones funcionan, realmente depende de tu preferencia sobre cómo quieres que quede la pieza final.

Gracias henryqiu, soy nuevo en esto y estoy aprendiendo.


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