Form 3 resin leak

Form 3 has been printing without issues for a long time. No failed prints. Today I noticed a small resin puddle under the machine. When I removed the resin tank I noticed a “catch pan” full of resin under where the resin cartridge fills into the tank. It has a small drain and I guess it ran out. Cartridge nipple seems good.

I have never noticed resin in this area. How does resin get in there? It seems the cartridge would not spill into this catch pan so long as the tank is in place? Thanks!

Hey @emccallum!

So sorry to hear about your resin spill! That’s never something we like to see, and I’m sorry you’re having to deal with it!

Firstly, I would point you towards some resources we’ve made for this exact situation! If, after following these steps, you’re not back up to a level of performance/cleanliness you’re happy with, please do not hesitate to contact our services team and they would be more than happy to lend an additional hand.

One way or the other we’ll do our best to get you back up and running with a clean printer as efficiently as possible!

Thank you. I read those. Printer is working fine. Can you tell me how resin got into that area, or the purpose of that area? I haven’t been able to find any information about that tray.I did put in a support request.

It’s difficult for me to guess exactly how resin ended up the area under the print-engine without seeing your specific situation, but the “why” of your question is a little bit easier.

Basically, resin spills end up down there because that’s where we want resin spills to happen, rather than outside the printer all over your work-surface. That empty space under the LPU is empty specifically because we don’t want anything there that could be damaged in the case of the resin spill like you’re seeing now.

Weve also noticed this recently only on the Form 3, Ive had it more than once haven’t figured out cause yet

Sorry to hear that!

And you’re not actually seeing where the resin is coming from? Can I ask if it looks like any resin has splashed over the side of your tank?

Same with mine Matt. I cant figure out how it got there. No apparent spills and resin is isolated to that one area under the resin fill part. Maybe a resin cartridge was faulty?

From the cartridge is rare, but it is possible, though you’d definitely see evidence of resin flowing down from the dispense area above.

The other thing I’ve seen that’s rare when this mystery pops up is that a particularly viscous resin is getting kicked over the side of the tank due to resin itself, or because there’s somehow too much resin in the tank, but you’d see evidence of this as well on the edge of your tank.

I can see a good bit of resin around the part that squeezes the nipple. My “guess” is that the problem was around the nipple. Maybe the nipple was disturbed when placing it into service. Seems fine now.

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