Regarding prints waiting in the printer : I often start prints on friday evening and remove them monday morning. It’s not an issue at all.
CAD : Fusion 360 is free for “hobbyists” as well and professionals if you don’t make more than X ammount of money per year. It’s also pretty cheap if you want to pay for it. Another powerful alternative is OnShape which is completely free but your models are public, and about a thousand bucks per year for a subscription which is an order of magnitude less than Solidworks.
Please don’t use FreeCAD it’s horrendous
Look as the numerous guides, instructions and white papers on Formlabs website. They should teach you how to orient the parts yourself. You should orient them manually, use the automatic support generation and check the supports manually and edit them if needed, this is the best way to get good prints. One-click print should not be used, it’s a bit of a gimmick and won’t help you to understand what you are doing.
There are quite a few threads like yours on the forums with great tips, on the top of my head :
Great guide by @rkagerer which is still mostly valid for the Form2