First run Form 3 Refurbished

Super unimpressed with my “factory refurbished” Form 3 and even less impressed with customer service.

1)Will not recognize tank, I tried two (new)

  1. some Build plate error, I should have written it down

3Unplugged it (they couldn’t install a switch?)

  1. Initialization timed out. Please try updating firmware OR contact customer support.

This is my 3rd resin printer. I expected a learning curve but this is ridiculous.

Struggling to keep this G rated

2nd unplug and plug, still timed out.

Looks like I’ll try updating the firmware, how hard can it be?

After 20 minutes of watching the spinny wheel, Initialization timed out. Please try updating firmware OR contact customer support.

went round again and it may have somewhat worked. It has found the tank but now the build plate is missing! the old build plate message was different

nope, back to no nothing. I’d have felt better if formlabs hit me in the face and stole my wallet