First feedback on the Fuse1+30W

Congrats on the new machine.

I can maybe cover our post processing methods as they are pretty dialed in… we blast cabinet the parts with fine glass bead then we purchased an actual “Sous Vide Cooker” to steam bath the parts in Rit Dye (Graphite…we felt the Black was a little too harsh and “fake” looking).

This cooker has worked outstanding as it holds the dye mix till we’re ready to heat it up and soak. I brain stormed this idea to use a Sous Vide when I was pricing out the ridiculously priced “Dye tanks” for additive.

Here is the one we use.

We pile parts on the rack, drop it in for 25 minutes at max temp, then rinse well then compressor blow off the parts to minimize any left over dye and streaking. We then put em on a tray with a small fan to air dry them prior to packaging.

As far as the Sift lighting…we had the same issue. One light bar “went out”. They sent us another but when I went to pull the top off the Sift, I found that the bulbs small JST connector had just come undone. I told Formlabs that a better connector would be advised for a machine that’s made to vibrate but so far it has not come undone again. I’m assuming yours came loose in shipping.

Side note…our first delivered Sift was a total lemon…mother board was bad…so they shipped another

My Fuse 1 is actually now down. I will update the thread I did last week on the surface warping on the new XY dimensional test print… but essentially we figured out that my heater bulbs were fried, oneside being completely black and the coils inside were damaged. So they are sending a new set $190 and a new IR temp sensor (cost unknown) to troubleshoot.

My parts went from being beautifully accurate dimensionally to all over the place and I noticed my surface armor was “different”. Harder to blast off. After a few failed chambers…now I know. Glance at your Heater Bulbs once in awhile. Hopefully it is just a bad IR Sensor and these parts get it running again, fingers crossed.

See thread "Rippling" and uneven top layer Finish / on XY calibration print - #2 by LEADNAV

Interested to see how the Fuse1+ does when you switch to 12GF!

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