Finished first prop project

Recently I finished a prop based off a gun from the video game: Destiny. I printed it entirely on the Form1+ at .05mm. The fine details I wanted were one of the major reasons I chose to get a Form1 in the first place, especially with the feathers. Anyway, Brian from Formlabs asked me to share it once I was done. Unfortunately I didn’t get many photos of parts off the printer.

All the photos of it finished can be viewed at my website: [here][1]
Hope you all enjoy!


Stunning model

Very nice indeed.

Beautiful. Is it solid-cast, or hollow? What sort of mobility do the pieces have?

Wow! How many hours do you have in modeling that?

Most parts are solid with some strategic voids left to save on materials. I originally designed the piece to print with a FDM printer then modified it to be more economical with the F1. None of the parts move, save the cylinder, which is able to rotate on its axis.

I put about 30 hours into it in solidworks.

Love Solidworks.

I’m really glad you decided to post this! It’s so pretty. :smile: Great work!

Wow! Put’s confidence back into printing big stuff :slight_smile: is the model hollow? How new is your printer?

Some parts have some material removed from the models to make parts lighter and use less resin, but most are at least 50-100% solid. The frame is skeletonized like you’d see on a real revovler. I have some parts printing for a copy I am making so I will take some pictures and show everyone how the parts look from the printer. I got my first F1+ in March, but it was for whatever reason a lemon, and this one I’m using now I received in early April and it’s been running like a champ ever since.

Really cool to see something so big and solid looking – Great job, amazing work!

holly molly that’s cool! Great job!

Great job man!

That’s a real killer of a model :)!!

really awsome!