Normally you have to perform a full clean of a Fuse 1 to switch materials. Ideally have separate build and powder chambers. With the release of Nylon12 white could you do minimal cleaning when switching between gray and white materials just to avoid color contamination or do you still have to perform a deep clean?
With our experience with MJF machines which is similar to the Fuse but larger scale we deep clean after every print to reduce as many issues that we can but we run PA12, PA12GB and TPU. So, I would recommend continuing deep cleaning as normal maintenance and you may avoid future head aches
Hello! I’m a product manager on our SLS team here at Formlabs. We do recommend completing a deep clean of your Fuse when switching from a grey Nylon 12 to our Nylon 12 White powder. Not completing a deep clean can lead to grey contamination in the white parts, causing parts to come out of the build chamber looking dirty, or speckled with grey powder. You can find our instructions and best practices for cleaning out a Fuse printer here
Are the materials compatible with each other? Unlike switch from Nylon12 to TPU 90A.