A great new feature in the Form 3. I had a couple of failed prints and knew that some material was left in the tank. Used the new functionality and the mesh was created quickly, plus the bits stuck to it. Accessed via Settings > Maintenance > Cleaning Mesh
I used this feature for the first time today. I had my first print failure due to trying to manually reduce supports and making them smaller than recommended. Mesh printed perfectly and I was able to get everything out pretty easily. Great feature!
Yesterday I had first failed print. Actually out of 5 parts on building platform only one failed. Cleaning mesh made the whole cleaning process very easy. Two thumbs up Formlabs. Great feature.
@monk2002uk @aokun @PaperLab @Formlabs (Formlabs…anyone) does anyone have a picture of the cleaning mesh when printed on the build platform? Hard to find documentation for this…normally there are tons of great videos or images.
Also just curious to see what it looks like!
I used cleaning mesh once but didn’t take any photos. Formlab website has info here
I used the cleaning mesh with flexible resin. It wasn’t very easy. It’s an incredible idea, but flexible is really hard to work with and i had to be very careful and grab it with tweezers, it was scary and hard!
Also either the pictures of the cleaning mesh on their support article is old or the edges of my tank still has cured resin on it. Did your guys cleaning mesh look like they have in the support article? Mine did not have a solid barrier on all 4 sides unlike the pictured mesh in the article.
The present mess does not have the solid border shown in the photos.
I’ve found the the mesh can hold a relatively large amount of uncured resin, so I tend lift it out by (gloved) hand and then squeeze it over the tank to recover the resin.
I was coming here to say the same thing - I put on a glove, carefully get one corner up, then peel it off the tank and wring it out before taking the glove off inside-out still holding the mesh and then throw it all away.
I printed a large array of small parts, and maybe around 10% of them failed and were left stuck to the tank. I just happened to come across the cleaning mesh option, so I tried it. Wow, what an amazing feature! It totally worked and beats what I used to have to do with the Form 2 (cringes).