Black resin

My bottle is dated 1/19.

Very interesting.  Mine is also dated 01/19.  From what I was told that batch is not rated for IPA clean up.  Who told you it was IPA clean up?

My new replacement batch of blue is also date 01-19. I’m not even gonna open it if this is the case, based on Matt’s results.

I wonder if we can get a refund and send this stuff back.

I would not open it until we know what is going on.  I just got my replacement printer and have not had a chance to print with it again.  I printed 3 parts as a test and was not happy with the results.  I contacted them.  The “blame” was put on my vat.  I do not believe it but did not have a printer to prove it one way or another.  After I am confident that the printer is printing correctly (and accurately) I will do another test print.  If the results are as they were before I will ask for my $$ back.

I was sold on the “water” cleanup that never worked.  When a material floats on the top of water and does not dissolve it is not water clean up.  I feel I was mis-lead from the beginning.  I was quiet in the beginning about this as I really do not like saying bad things about a company but since I have not had a response to the multiple emails from them in a while and the results I got seem to be duplicated by other users I feel it is not me and others should know about it.

The information sheet inside the box had instructions to clean it with IPA.  And it definitely does dissolve in IPA.

Interesting.  My information sheet has soap and water. (both sheets I have)  How can the same date/production batch have different instructions on cleanup.  The water clean up resin cleans up nicely with IPA.  It just makes the parts brittle.  (from what Pete @ MadeSolid said)

I think MadeSolid needs to make an official statement and clear this up.  I know there is no way I am buying anymore resin until there is some clarity with all this.  As well as some quality prints.

I guess there’s something of a complicated timeline here then - but even so 1/19 surprises me, somehow I thought that was before they started talking about using IPA instead of soapy water. Pete from Madesolid was still insisting that I needed to “jet” the parts with soapy water in late Feb (hogwash of course, no amount of jetting can wash off cured resin)

Also - and I know I have the white, so obviously the batches are different - but my first bottle is from 1/29. Again though, if they were transitioning to IPA on the 19th I would have thought they’d done it on later batches for other colours too.

Maybe there weren’t 3 batches - perhaps they just started putting IPA instructions in with bottles from the second batch? As you say David, time for Madesolid to explain.

In the meantime though, my replacement bottle is due to arrive Friday, so I’ll report it’s batch date then and try a test print too.

I explicitly asked Pete about the versions.  Here are excerpts from our communications:


"Thank you.  So I am clear.  The original resin that I used up was water clean up.  The replacement bottle you sent is water cleanup but still brittle.  Any future resin I purchase will be IPA cleanup and less brittle?

I will be back in business soon.  The replacement is in the mail…."

March 5th:



Yes, that is correct. From the first round of feedback from users, the brittleness issue was more important than the soap and water clean up property. So yes, the new ones going forward will be IPA cleanup and less brittle.

Fair enough. Going through 4 printers is a lot.


I hope MadeSolid chimes in and clears all this up so we can get this sorted out.

Thought I’d chime in here as there are some questions I think I can answer.

Yes, there have been some iterations and updates to the formulas. You can find out about the upgrades and which version you have here:

You can also find some great prints we have had with the most recent batches here:

Jetting and soap and water were definitely a recommended part of our original formula’s cleaning system. We have now shifted to an IPA clean up entirely. The original monomers we used allowed for soap and water removal of the excess gel of resin on the outside of the print. Due to feedback, we needed to increase the strength of the prints (decrease brittleness). This change in formula, we found, removed the nice ability of the recommended soap and water wash and thus we have shifted to IPA wash only.

In addition to the change in wash process, resolution has also been improved on a number of the formulas (though Black seems to be the sharpest right now) and we are continuing to fine tune them.

Every user I have been in talks with has been extremely helpful in finding what is important and how we can make the resin better suit their needs. With that said, if anyone feels their resin is not up to standard, we of course want to help out. Just reach out to us (my email below!) and we’ll get things sorted out.

Thanks all for the sharing out your thoughts!



Well - I’m not sure what’s going on at Madesolid, my replacement bottle arrived just now. A replacement of which Pete said “I’m sure this version will work a lot better. It will also withstand an isoproply alcohol bath much better as well.

However - the replacement is from the same batch as my previous bottle which would overcure to infill 2mm holes. I’m not going to bother opening it.

Well - Pete tells me the smudge on the right of 0129 on the first bottle (that is the replacement, original bottle on right) is supposed to be an N indicating a change to the 0129 batch. So I guess I’ll try it out after all. Will report back tomorrow or Sunday.

Both of my bottles of blue say 1-19 on them. I’m returning them both and hopefully will receive the correct resin (if it exists)