Hi there,
I’m facing a lot of problems printing with my Form 1+. I had to print 80 very similar parts.
My overall count is 77 god parts, 42 total fails, and 12 bad prints that some of them maybe I could use.
I started printing with a remain of Grey Resin V2 I had for a long time, and bought 2 new bottles of Grey Resin V4, I even used an old remain of Maker Juice Grey and Form Labs Clear V2.
I tried a lot of different positioning and support settings.
I used 3 brand new tanks, cleaned all mirrors (the big one and the 3 small at the back) 2 or 3 times, and check them regularity. Also checking the tank bottoms and cleaned them if necessary.
I started to filter the resin after every print (failed or not) just in case, with a paint filter 190 microns as recommended by Form Labs Support.
I have no idea what to do any more. I must reach the conclusion that maybe there is something wrong with a laser.
I have this machine since 2014, I haven’t used it this much, but I have to say every time I had to print a lot of parts, I faced this exact problem. Repeatability sucks.
I’ve read a lot of people saying otherwise. Maybe I had bad luck with this machine and it was never OK.
One other time I had to print 22 parts, I obtained 27 fail prints. Its too much.
The thing is I can not relate the problems with a cause, I got some perfectly good prints in the middle of terrible ones, without changing anything, and other times even just after changing to a new tank, resin or cleaning mirrors I still got bad prints.
I’m sharing some of the fails below, maybe someone faced the same problems and solved them.