No, I’m far from satisfied with my Form1(s) but I have yet to see an alternative SL printer with comparable build envelope, detail quality, and price. The B9C is no good for me because the envelope is just too small.
I’m on my second Form1 (ObtainableLamb), having returned the first(NaturalChicken) after issues, and I have the option to return this one as well because it arrived with shipping damage.
NaturalChicken had dimensional error in the x-axis of about 3% compression, that was ok to begin with because I was still getting to grips with how to use it, but then after about a month of heavy usage the laser broke. . . . I know right - how does a laser break? it’s solid state - but that’s what happened, it went from shining a coherent beam to shining like a flashlight. I took it out of the machine and shone it on the wall - then I dissembled the laser and it looked like there might have been a crack in the glass/plastic over the laser diode behind the lens. See pictures on this thread: So that has me worried about issues with the longevity of the lasers after the 3 month warranty is up.
Formlabs service response to all this was excellent however, and in short order I had ObtainableLamb as a replacement. With no cost beyond a relatively minor fee of £41. Unfortunately it arrived with significant shipping damage, the case around the power plug was all bent out of shape - and it was obvious the packaging had collapsed after being dropped. Moreover ObtainableLamb was also inaccurate with x-axis error of about 1.5% - expansion this time.
Formlabs were prompt and fair in offering a replacement due the shipping damage - however that was fixed easily enough, I bent the case back into shape with a spanner, the power plug was then usable - and the damage proved to be to the housing only.
However their response to the x-axis dimensional error in ObtainableLamb was much less than satisfactory - it seems they have yet to decide on what official tolerances are for the Form1. Their initial response (although my ticket is still open) is that this may fall within their expected accuracy window. To me this is unacceptable since they were using functioning nuts and bolts, planetary gearboxes, and of course the gyrocube (which must require finest tolerances of all to spin freely) as showcases of the Form1 capabilities.
Having opened up NaturalChicken in the course of trying to find out what was wrong after the laser broke, I noticed adjustable unglued trimpots on the galvo breakout PCBs - these seemed like natural candidates for galvo adjustment, but I couldn’t try them because the laser was not working.
Now with ObtainableLamb being inaccurate as well, I asked Formlabs to confirm my theory on how to adjust the galvos, and their response was neither yes or no, only that I would void my warranty. Voiding the warranty doesn’t concern mesince my experience dictates that Formlabs can’t deliver accurate printers, and an inaccurate printer (anything over 0.3mm drift per 100mm) is of no value to me - hence the warranty is currently meaningless.
So I’ve started tweaking the galvo PCB trimpot printing an 80mm exactly horizontal calibration part in between each adjustment - and I’ve had decent success. Out of the box ObtainableLamb printed the 80mm part at 81.19mm my lastest print hot out of the vat after half a dozen or so adjustment cycles is 79.86mm across - which now makes my Form1 almost useful. I’m hopeful I can fine tune it further though with a larger 120mm calibration part - and will be publishing all the results in a new thread.
So in summary - I’m not satisfied with the Form1 because there’s a high chance of shipping damage (Formlabs customer service in response is excellent, but you’re still going to be out of pocket and time for a replacement), it’s inaccurate to the point that the promotional prints of the gyrocube, nuts and bolts and planetary gears simply seem dishonest. Finally Formlabs response to a customer (me) looking to improve the accuracy of my machine has been the unhelpful; “no comment except you will void your warranty”.
Having said all that - I still can’t see any competition as yet on build envelope, surface finish, and price.