Hi guys,
after about 20 prints I’m back with some more questions on finishing our beautiful prints.
I have a Form 2 and I love everything about it.
The resins, the speed, the build volume, the details it can produce. Everything, except… for 1 thing.
The cleanup.
I just can’t get my prints look like what formlabs produces and that is because of the supports.
When I use auto generate supports my print is flawless, but most of the time just removing the supports breaks sharps edges and make things look plain ugly.
When I use edit mode for the supports I get failed prints a lot, even when I don’t see any red shade in the example in preform.
On the other hand, when I position the supports in a different location then the auto generate, it’s easier to remove them.
Here is my process once the print is complete and was successful:
- I remove the print with jig from the build platform
- Put it to rest for 10 minutes in 90% ISP in bin one
- rinse for a minute 90% IPA in bin two
- dry off with paper towel and let the rest of the IPA evaporate
- position the pieces in a nail dryer curing lamp 36WATT (4 bulbs)
- remove the supports with flush cutter
- sand off any marks with very fine sand paper (sometimes soaked in water with soap)
- rinse away any dust and airdry the print
Doing this method I haven’t been able to produce very nice and slick results as shown on the Formlabs website.
Either I’m doing something seriously wrong, or it’s just not doable for a normal human being getting a super slick outcome.
I don’t need a finer Z resolution, what I need is a solution to remove supports more easy.
I’m even thinking about getting an Ultimaker with a PLA/ watter soluble PVA combination so I’m done with this messy cleanup.
On the other hand, the speed is so much slower then with SLA I feel.
So I don’t know what to do to be honest. Maybe I’m just to inexperienced or something, unsure.
The thing that I would like Formlabs to do is produce a real time video with the complete process on how they finish their protrayed models. Because they look so superslick that I have no clue in how they do it.
All tips are more then welcome.
Many many thanks in advance to everyone.