An Abomination of Printing

Hello to everyone of this community.

After 2 days, this is my first complete 3D print with Form1 + trasparent resin.

3,95 inches tall (10 cm), printed at 50 micron.

Painted with grey color and varnished (only th efigure, not the basament).

The carachter is “Abomination” by Marvel comics, sculpted by the talented AYscultpure (

Hope you like,

Best regards,


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This is incredible!  Fantastic model (and photography).  What kind of paint and varnish did you use?


I’ve painted it with brush and acrylic color, then varnished with areosol semi-matte spray, used for paintings.

I glued the pieces with cyanoacrylate glue, and it works quite good (not too strong) What kind of other glue you suggest? I don’t have a laser with the right wavelenght so I can’t cure the resin faster as a glue and I can’t wait hours under sun… So any advice about compatibility of glues are appreciated.

Best egards,


The images from the previous posts have disappeared. If interested, they are reposted here:

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