After the first month

I have the Form 2 now for a month or so.
What can I say about this Machine.
Well it is great I have a number of machines most of the FDM ( a couple of Ultimaker2, A raise N2 plus, and A Ilios resin printer)
This machine is in a level of its own in my opinion punches well above its price.

Well done Form

Enough Said


So glad to see that our customer service team followed through on getting you printing! What are some of the projects that you’ve been printing?

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Yea the Team were great I must say fair play

Teeth, prototype helicopter parts, Micro hinges for a model plane door 8mmX3mmx1mm and a few prototypes for clients and
gonna test high temp, grey and castable over the next few weeks all being well.

11 prints 11 full successes.


Great to know that your projects are being printed successfully, think F2 can still improve printing for jewelry, as it has many details to be perfected.

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Hi happy so far

The hardest part for me after only about 2 weeks has been to get my models water tight without any difficulties, I feel like it’s a bit more finicky than my fdm printer was, but when I get things right, I’m stunned by how good the prints are!

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What software are you using to generate the STLs? Most software produces watertight models just fine.

I’m using SpaceClaim for much of the construction and all of the repair and prep. Probably a lot of operator/designer error on my part!

After a bit more tweaking and making sure everything is sewn together correctly the prints are coming out fantastic!


Very good job

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